Use > Server patching > Patch management for Unix > Tracking patches on managed servers

Tracking patches on managed servers

When a server is brought under management by SA, the SA Agent installed on the server registers the server’s hardware and software configuration with SA. This information includes installed software and patches, is recorded in the SA Library. The SA Agent repeats this registration every 24 hours.

When a new patch is issued, you can use Server Automation to immediately identify the servers that require patching. The SA Library stores patches and other software. You can access the SA Library from the SA Client to install patches on the appropriate servers.

After a server is brought under management, you should install all required patches. If you install a patch manually, Server Automation does not have data about that patch until the next SA Agent registration. If you install a patch manually, it can take up to 24 hours until the data about that server in the SA Library is up-to-date.

Whenever you install or uninstall software or patches with Server Automation, however, SA immediately updates the information about the server in the SA Library.