Upgrade > Upgrade > Satellite upgrade procedures

Satellite upgrade procedures

Satelites can be upgraded at a later time, after the core upgrades are complete.

Important See the TLS hardening during upgrade section in the SA 10.50 Upgrade GuideSA 10.5 upgrade before starting the upgrade procedure.

The following sections cover:

Single-host Satellite upgrade (OS Provisioning not installed)

This procedure upgrades a Satellite installed with all Satellite components on the same host, OS Provisioning components are not installed.

Phase 1: Invoking the SA Upgrade Script and Specify Satellite Hosts

  1. If you have installed any patches to the Satellite you are upgrading, you must remove them before starting the upgrade. See Uninstalling All CORD patches.

  1. Invoke the SA Installer upgrade script by entering the following command. You must have the path to the CDF file used to install the Satellite.

    /<distro>/opsware_installer/hpsa_upgrade_satellite.sh -c <full_path_CDF_file>

    where <distro> is the full path to the distribution media. For example:


    If for security reasons, you have stored your response files in a location other than the default location on the host being upgraded, you can copy the files to the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/resp directory on the core to be upgraded. You should also provide the CDF file with the –c option (by default, it is saved the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf directory.

  1. The following menu displays:

    Specify Host(s) for Satellite Upgrade


    Currently specified hosts:

    <IP_address> (wordcache)

    Please select one of the following options:

    1. Add/edit host(s)

    2. Delete host(s)

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    The upgrade script displays messages as it prepares the Satellite host for upgrade.

Phase 2: Supplying satellite parameter values

  1. The prompt to select the cryptographic protocol is displayed.

    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level.
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[1]:

    For details, see the TLS hardening during upgrade section in the SA 10.50 Upgrade GuideSA 10.5 upgrade

  1. The following menu displays:

    Host /Component Layout


    Installed Components


    Enter one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Since only the Satellite components are installed, Satellite is the only component listed.

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

  2. The following menu displays:

    Interview Parameters


    Navigation keys:

    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.

    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.

    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.

    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.

    All prompts have values. What would you like to do:

    1. Re-enter values

    2. Continue

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    The SA upgrade script takes the default values for the Satellite parameters from the response file or CDF you specified. Be very careful changing these values but if you have a valid reason to do so, (for example, they were changed after install, but not updated in the files), select 1. Each parameter and its assigned value is displayed and you can change the value if necessary.

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

Phase 3: Upgrading the satellite

  1. At this point, the Prerequisite Check begins.

    Before SA begins the upgrade, it performs a prerequisite check that validates that the host on which you are upgrading the Satellite meets the minimum requirements. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on. If your host fails the prerequisite check, the upgrade can fail or core performance may be negatively affected. If your host fails the prerequisite check or displays warnings, correct the problem(s) or contact HPE Support.

    The prerequisite check may display messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

            WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete upgrade and must be resolved before continuing. WARNINGs allow you to continue the upgrade, however, Satellite performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the Satellite upgrade.

  1. You see many messages displayed as the upgrade progresses. Unless the upgrade fails, these messages are purely informational. When the upgrade completes, the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

  1. You must now upgrade your SA Agents installed on managed servers. See Post-upgrade tasks for details.

Single-host Satellite with OS Provisioning components

This procedure upgrades a Satellite installed with all Satellite and OS Provisioning components on the same host.

Phase 1: Invoking the SA upgrade script and specify satellite host

  1. Invoke the SA Installer upgrade script by entering the following command. You must have the path to the CDF file used to install the Satellite.

    /<distro>/opsware_installer/hpsa_upgrade_satellite.sh -c <full_path_CDF_file>

    where <distro> is the full path to the distribution media. For example:


    If for security reasons, you have stored your response files in a location other than the default location on the host being upgraded, you can copy the files to the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/resp directory on the core to be upgraded. You should also provide the CDF file with the –c option (by default, it is saved the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf directory.

  1. The following menu displays:

    Specify Host(s) for Satellite Upgrade


    Currently specified hosts:

    <IP_address> (wordcache, osprov_media_sat, osprov_boot_sat)

    Please select one of the following options:

    1. Add/edit host(s)

    2. Delete host(s)

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    The upgrade script displays messages as it prepares the Satellite host for upgrade.

Phase 2: Supplying satellite parameter values

  1. The prompt to select the cryptographic protocol is displayed.

    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level.
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[1]:

    For details, see the TLS hardening during upgrade section in the SA 10.50 Upgrade GuideSA 10.5 upgrade

  2. The following menu displays:

    Host/Component Layout


    Installed Components


    OS Provisioning Boot Server

    OS Provisioning Media Server

    Enter one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

  3. The following menu displays:

    Interview Parameters


    Navigation keys:

    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.

    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.

    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.

    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.

    All prompts have values. What would you like to do:

    1. Re-enter values

    2. Continue

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    The SA upgrade script takes the default values for the Satellite parameters from the response file or CDF you specified. Be very careful changing these values but if you have a valid reason to do so (for example, they were changed after install, but not updated in the files), select 1. Each parameter and its assigned value is displayed and you can change the value if necessary.

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

Phase 3: Upgrading the satellite

  1. At this point, the Prerequisite Check begins.

    Before SA begins the upgrade, it performs a prerequisite check that validates that the host on which you are upgrading the Satellite meets the minimum requirements. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on. If your host fails the prerequisite check, the upgrade can fail or core performance may be negatively affected. If your host fails the prerequisite check or displays warnings, correct the problem(s) or contact HPE Support.

    The prerequisite check may display messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

            WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete upgrade and must be resolved before continuing. WARNINGs allow you to continue the upgrade, however, Satellite performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the Satellite upgrade.

  1. You see many messages displayed as the upgrade progresses. Unless the upgrade fails, these messages are purely informational. When the upgrade completes, the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

  2. You should now upgrade your SA Agents installed on managed servers. See Post-upgrade tasks for details.

Satellite with OS Provisioning Components on a separate host upgrade

This procedure upgrades a Satellite installed with the Satellite components on one host and the OS Provisioning components on another host.

Phase 1: Invoking the SA Upgrade Script and Specify Satellite Hosts

  1. Invoke the SA Installer upgrade script by entering the following command. You must have the path to the CDF file used to install the Satellite.

    /<distro>/opsware_installer/hpsa_upgrade_satellite.sh -c <full_path_CDF_file>

    where <distro> is the full path to the distribution media. For example:


    If for security reasons, you have stored your response files in a location other than the default location on the host being upgraded, you can copy the files to the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/resp directory on the core to be upgraded. You will should also provide the CDF file with the –c option (by default, it is saved to the /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf directory).

  1. The following menu displays:

    Specify Host(s) for Satellite Upgrade


    Currently specified hosts:

    <IP_address> (localhost)

    Please select one of the following options:

    1. Add/edit host(s)

    2. Delete host(s)

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Note If you do not provide a CDF, you will need to manually add the satellite servers. Since the OS Provisioning components are installed on a separate server from the Satellite components, you must specify the IP address for all the servers that hosts the satellite components.

    1. Press 1 to add the host IP address.

      The following prompt displays:

      Enter number of hosts to add:

      Enter the appropriate number. For this example, we use two hosts:

      Enter number of hosts to add: 2

      For this example, we add the hosts:

    1. The following screen displays:

      Adding Hosts


      Parameter 1 of 2

      Hostname/IP []:

      Enter the hostname or IP address of the first server that will host an SA Core Component(s) and press Enter.

      Do the same for the second host. You see this message:

      All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

      Enter Y to continue.

      A screen similar to the following displays:

      Specify Hosts to Install

      Currently specified hosts:


      Please select one of the following options:

      1. Add/edit host(s)
      2. Delete host(s)

      Enter the option number or one of the following directives
      (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

  1. You are asked to provide the OS credentials for each host:

    Host Passwords

    Parameter 1 of 2 user [user1]:
    Validating user ....
    Parameter 2 of 2 password []: **********
    Validating password ....

    You are prompted for the credentials for each specified host. You are asked to re-enter each password for confirmation. After you provide all required passwords, you see the message:

    All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

    Enter Y to continue.

    The upgrade script displays messages as it prepares the Satellite hosts for upgrade.

Phase 2: Supplying satellite parameter values

  1. The prompt to select the cryptographic protocol is displayed.

    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level.
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[1]:

    For details, see the TLS hardening during upgrade section in the SA 10.50 Upgrade GuideSA 10.5 upgrade

    The following menu displays:

    Host/Component Layout


    Installed Components


    OS Provisioning Boot Server

    OS Provisioning Media Server

    Enter one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

  2. The following menu displays:

    Interview Parameters


    Navigation keys:

    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.

    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.

    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.

    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.

    All prompts have values. What would you like to do:

    1. Re-enter values

    2. Continue

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives

    (<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    The SA upgrade script takes the default values for the Satellite parameters from the response file or CDF you specified. Be very careful changing these values but if you have a valid reason to do so (for example, they were changed after install, but not updated in the files), select 1. Each parameter and its assigned value is displayed and you can change the value if necessary.

    Type c and press Enter to continue.

Phase 3: Upgrading the satellite

  1. At this point, the Prerequisite Check begins.

    Before SA begins the upgrade, it performs a prerequisite check that validates that the host on which you are upgrading the Satellite meets the minimum requirements. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on. If your host fails the prerequisite check, the upgrade can fail or core performance may be negatively affected. If your host fails the prerequisite check or displays warnings, correct the problem(s) or contact HPE Support.

    The prerequisite check may display messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

            WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete upgrade and must be resolved before continuing. WARNINGs allow you to continue the upgrade, however, Satellite performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the Satellite upgrade.

  1. You see many messages displayed as the upgrade progresses. Unless the upgrade fails, these messages are purely informational. When the upgrade completes, the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

  1. You should now upgrade your SA Agents installed on managed servers. See Post-upgrade tasks for details.