DHCP Software included with the boot server

When you choose to enable SA Provisioning, the SA Installer installs the provisioning Boot Server and the following:

  • dhcpd: An Internet Software Consortium DHCP server (ISC dhcpd).
  • dhcpd.conf: A default DHCP server configuration for IPv4, read by the dhcpd server.
  • dhcpd_overrides.conf: A configuration file for customizations performed by the client for IPv4.
  • dhcpd_subnets.conf: A configuration file with IPv4 subnet details.
  • dhcpd6.conf: A default DHCP server configuration for IPv6, read by the dhcpd server.
  • dhcpd6_overrides.conf: A configuration file for customization performed by the client for IPv6.
  • dhcpd6_subnets.conf: A configuration file with IPv6 subnet details.
  • dhcpdtool; dhcpd6tool: The SA DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv4 and IPv6, which allows you to modify the dhcpd.conf and dhcpd6.conf files.

SA DHCP server (dhcpd)

The DHCP server will work on the local network only (broadcast domain). To perform SA Provisioning in multiple networks, you must deploy SA Provisioning satellites.

Log messages that the DHCP server produces are sent to the standard UNIX syslog process with the daemon facility. Consult your vendor documentation on how to configure and view syslog messages.

SA dhcpd.conf file

The dhcpd.conf file provides the necessary parameters to support network booting of x86 hardware (a PXE-compatible system is required).

The DHCP configuration file is /etc/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf. Do not change this file because any changes you make will not be migrated during an upgrade. If you must make changes manually in the DHCP configuration files, you should modify the file /etc/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd_overrides.conf by running the DHCP Network Configuration Tool.

For some advanced configurations (as shown in the section SA DHCP Network Configuration Tools (dhcpdtool and dhcpd6tool), you may need to modify the file with a text editor. Documentation on the DHCP configuration file is available at the ISC web site, http://www.isc.org.

The DHCP leases file is /var/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases. This file should not be edited.

SA dhcpd6.conf file

The dhcpd6.conf file provides the necessary parameters to support the IPv6 address assignment for clients.

The DHCP IPv6 configuration file is /etc/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd6.conf. In most cases, you will modify this file by running the DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv6. For some advanced configurations (as noted in SA DHCP Network Configuration Tools (dhcpdtool and dhcpd6tool)), you may need to modify the file with a text editor. Documentation on the DHCP configuration file is available at the ISC web site, http://www.isc.org.

The DHCP leases file is /var/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd6.leases. This file should not be edited.

SA DHCP Network Configuration Tools (dhcpdtool and dhcpd6tool)

The DHCP Network Configuration Tool is a menu-driven, terminal-based utility that enables you to customize the dhcpd.conf and dhcpd6.conf files for common network configurations. The tool prompts you for network information needed to configure DHCP for each SA Provisioning network.

Using the DHCP Network Configuration Tool simplifies configuration of the DHCP server and ensures that the DHCP configuration contains the options that are needed for SA Provisioning to function properly.

Additionally, in some environments, multiple IP networks (layer 3) are layered on top of a single VLAN (layer 2). While this configuration is supported by the ISC DHCP server, generally such a topology requires careful consideration to work properly with DHCP. Therefore, the DHCP Network Configuration Tool can only configure a single IP network per VLAN.

The man pages for the DHCP Network Configuration Tool are installed in /opt/opsware/dhcpd/man on the Boot Server.

Required Information for the SA DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv4 (dhcpdtool)

Before you use the DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv4 to configure an SA Provisioning network, you need the following information:

  • The range of IPv4 addresses that are assigned dynamically by the DHCP server. For example, through might be used to configure a pool of 10 addresses.
  • The IPv4 addresses of one or more DNS servers. The DNS servers do not need to be on the same network that is being configured.
  • A default DNS domain.

Required Information for the SA DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv6 (dhcpd6tool)

Before you use the DHCP Network Configuration Tool for IPv6 to configure an SA Provisioning network, you need the following information:

  • The network address and network prefix.
  • (Optional): The IPv6 address of one or more DNS servers, which do not have to be on the same network that is being configured.
  • (Optional): The range of IPv6 addresses that are assigned dynamically by the DHCP server. If this range is not provided, a range will be selected automatically.

    Note IPv6 SA Provisioning requires that some IPv6 Router Advertisement Flags be enabled: - M flag - Managed Address Configuration Flag - O flag - Other Configuration Flag.

    See RFC5175 for details about IPv6 Router Advertisement Flags.

dhcpd6tool checks if the current network has these flags enabled when you add a new network or list current networks.