Use > Server Automation > Getting Started with the SA Client > Setting SA Client options > SA Agent installation - Advanced options

SA Agent installation - Advanced options

The SA Agent Installation Advanced options pane allows you to set the options listed below.

For more information on installing the agent on servers, see Managing the Server Agent.

  • Immediately do a full hardware registration: This enables you to force the Server Agent Installer to report full hardware information to the core.
  • Immediately do software registration: This enables you to force the Server Agent Installer to report full software information to the core.
  • Suppress agent reachability check: This enables you to disable this check during installation. By default, the installer triggers the core to check whether the server is reachable.
  • Disallow anonymous SSL connections if agent is dormant: This enables you to configure the Server Agent so that browsers cannot connect without a valid certificate.
  • Force creation of new device record if conflict found: This enables you to suppress this functionality. During registration, the Data Access Engine creates a new device record.
  • Fail if initial hardware registration fails (do not go dormant): This enables you to ensure that the Server Agent does not become dormant, if it fails to report hardware information.
  • Do not open Windows Firewall for core-agent communications: By default, the Server Agent Installer will modify the Windows Firewall configuration on Windows XP and Windows 2003 (r2) servers to allow the SA core to contact the managed server on port 1002. If you select this option, the firewall configuration will not be modified. In this case, the server might not be manageable by SA.
  • Remediate Software Policies: This enables you to remediate the server against any software policies that are attached to the server.
  • Attach to Software Policy ID: This enables you to attach the server to the software policy ID.
  • Extra installer options: This enables you to specify any other installer options, such as:

    --logfile <path> allows you to specify the path to the installer log file. By default, the installer log files are placed in the /tmp on UNIX or %SYSTEMDRIVE%\WINDOWS\SYSTEM on Windows.

    --workdir <path> allows you to specify the path to the working directory to use while the installation is in progress.
  • Core certificate fingerprint: Specifies the fingerprint of the core certificate.

    If you specify a value for this option, the agent installer will verify that the Certificate Authority certificate used to sign the core's SSL certificate matches the value you provided. Specifying a value for this option increases security during the agent installation process by ensuring that the agent attaches itself to the correct core.

    To obtain the correct value for the core certificate fingerprint option, log on to the core as root (you may need to have an SA System Administrator perform this task for you) and run the following command:

    /opt/opsware/bin/openssl x509 -in /var/opt/opsware/crypto/agent/opsware-ca.crt -fingerprint -noout

    The output looks like the following:

    SHA1 Fingerprint=D2:3B:F8:72:B9:55:0D:


    The fingerprint is the string of hexadecimal numbers following the equal sign:

  • nmap parameters: This option allows you to specify parameters used when scanning for unmanaged servers, and to specify a different set of scan parameters if you find that SA is unable to locate and identify unmanaged servers due to network firewall configuration in your environment.The default values for the NMAP scan parameters in the SA Client can be set in the System Configuration menu by choosing the Opsware/adh product, and editing the contents of the adh.scan.default_parameters configuration parameter.