SA Client Launcher Advanced Options

You can configure the following advanced options for the SA Client:

Debug Settings: Gives you control over the level of detail as well as the type of information included in SA Client log file.

Client Download Server: Allows you to change the server from which you want to download the SA Client.

Proxies: Allows you to configure the SA Client proxy server settings.

HPE Server Automation Home: Allows you to change the default location for SA Client application data and log files. This section also allows you to remove cache and log files.

To configure the SA Client Launcher’s advanced options, perform the following steps:

Start the SA Client Launcher from one of two locations:

On your desktop, double-click the SA Client Launcher icon


From the Start menu, select > All Programs > HPE Server Automation> HPE Server Automation Client

In the Log In to HPE Server Automation window, you can set the following configuration:

Username: Enter your SA username.

Password: Enter your SA user password.

Core Server: Choose the SA core server to log in to.

Select the More button. In the expanded launcher window you can configure the following settings:

Locale: Select the version of the SA client to match your system’s locale. English (en) is the default, but you can also select either Japanese (ja) or Korean (ko).

Note that this locale setting is only used on cores previous to SA version 9.10. As of SA version 9.10 this setting is ignored and the setting in the user profile is used instead. For complete information on setting the locale in the user profile for each individual user, see the SA Administering.

Debug Settings: Debugging options that are captured in the following log file: HPE_Server_Automation_Home>\logs\*.log

Enable Debug Logging (Fine): Enables debugging and sends SA Client operations and errors to the log file.

Enable Server Method Call Logging: Adds server method calls to the log file.

The Show Console option is not available anymore. When connecting to previous SA releases, the Java Console is displayed by default and debug log files are available at <HPE_Server_Automation_Home>'\deployment\log\javaws\*.log.

Connections made to SA version 10.5 or newer will not show the Java Console - logging information is available at <HPE_Server_Automation_Home>\logs\*.log'

Click Advanced Settings.

In the Advanced Settings window, you can configure the following SA Client Launcher options:

Client Download Server

You can configure the SA Client Launcher so the default core you log in to is different from the core you use to access the latest version of the SA Client.

Use Core Server: Select this option to download the SA Client from the same server you want to log in to.

Use: Enter a core server you want to use to download the SA Client.

The SA Client uses two ports: port 80 to download the SA client; port 443 to connect to the core specified in the main log in window. If you select the Use Core Server option, the connect port (443) cannot be overridden. If you select the Use option, the download port (80) can be overridden in the Use field and the connect port can be overridden in the Core Server field in the main log in window.

If you do not specify a port with the host:port in the Use field, port 80 is used to download the SA Client. In the Core Server field in the main log in window, if you do not specify a host:port, then port 443 is used to connect to the core.


By default, the SA Client uses the proxy server settings configured for the default browser on your local system. For example, if your default browser has no proxy server settings configured, neither will the SA Client. You can change those proxy server settings here:

None: Do not use a proxy server to connect to the SA Client.

Use Browser: Use the proxy server settings specified in your default browser.

Manual: Enter the proxy server hostname and port.

No Proxy Hosts: If you want to add proxy server overrides, add them here, separated by commas. (This is only enabled when proxy server settings is set to Manual.)

HPE Server Automation Home

Location: The location where the SA Client is downloaded and saved on your local computer, along with all log files generated when the SA Client runs.

The default home location is <user_home>\AppData\Roaming\HPE SA, which is private to each user. If the SA Client launcher corresponding to an SA version prior to 10.5 was previously installed, the default home location does not change and will remain as <user_home>\AppData\HPE BSA. If you choose to change this location, be aware that other users may have access to the new directory. You are responsible for setting the permissions on the new directory if you want to prevent unwanted access to your SA Client home.

Delete Application Cache: Clicking this completely removes all downloaded copies of the SA Client. This ensures the launcher will download the latest SA Client from the core the next time the user logs in. All preferences related to trusted certificates will also be removed. On the next run of the SA Client, the user will have to review and accept the presented certificate.

Delete Logs: Delete all log files created by previous sessions of the SA Client. (All SA Client log files are located at: HPE_Server_Automation_Home>\logs\*.log).

When you complete setting the options, click OK to save your settings.

Click Log In to log in to the SA Client.