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Application Deployment

With Application Deployment, you can create, test, and deploy your custom software applications to target servers in your data centers. For example, you can move applications from the development team to the quality assurance team for testing. Once testing is complete, you can move the application to other phases such as preproduction, staging, and finally to production. The Application Deployment tool reduces the complex communications necessary to deploy applications by providing a single point of access where everyone involved can view or enter data that is relevant to them and to their role.

With Application Deployment, you can:

  • Model your application components such as code, scripts, configuration files, and tiers such as application servers, web servers, and databases.
  • Manage multiple concurrent releases and versions of your applications.
  • Deploy, roll back, and undeploy your applications on target servers.
  • Model your target servers that are running the tiers required by your applications. These target servers are managed servers in Server Automation.
  • Provide clear, concise communication between software application developers, Quality Assurance, and testing, systems administrators, and other operations personnel.
  • Model and implement life cycles from application development to QA to preproduction to staging to production. You can customize SA to match your enterprise life cycle.

For complete information, see the SA 10.50 Developer Guide.