Install > SA Core installation > Installing SA First (Primary) Core with a Secondary Core (Multimaster Mesh)

Installing SA First (Primary) Core with a Secondary Core (Multimaster Mesh)

This section provides an installation summary for a Single Host SA First (Primary) Core with a Secondary Core (Multimaster Mesh). The cores in a mesh can be installed with any of the configurations described in the samples above.

Phase 1: Install the SA First (Primary) Core

Decide the configuration you will use and follow the instructions described in the configuration –samples.

After the First (Primary) Core installation is completed, you can install Secondary Cores for your Multimaster Mesh.

Overview of the Secondary Core installation process

The following are the typical phases of installing a Secondary Core:

  1. Prepare for Installation: Ensure that all installation prerequisites have been met, that you have the information needed to complete the Installer interview, that you have all necessary permissions to complete the installation, and that you have the SA installation media. For more information, see System requirements for installation .

    On the First Core infrastructure host

  2. Define a New Facility and Export First Core Model Repository Content: During this phase you define the facility in which the new Secondary Core is to be installed, export the First Core's Model Repository content, and copy the resulting export files to the new Secondary Core host.
Note: When adding a new facility to an existing core that was previously patched, the new core will have the core’s base version installed (not the patch version, for example 10.0, not 10.0x or 10.10, not 10.1x). After the Secondary Core is created, you must apply the desired patch.

On the Server that will host the New Secondary Core

  1. Install the Oracle Database and install the Secondary Core Components: During this phase you can install the SA-supplied Oracle database for the Secondary Core(s) Model Repository. This database is automatically configured to work with the SA Model Repository. See Oracle setup for the Model Repository for information about the SA Oracle database configuration differs from a default Oracle configuration.

    Alternatively, you can install a database using the Oracle Universal Installer or use an existing Oracle 12c database installation (Oracle10 and 9i are not supported) and select to use an existing database during installation. However, there are database configuration requirements that must be met in order for such databases to be compatible with the SA Model Repository.

    See Oracle setup for the Model Repository.

    You will also install the Secondary Core's components and import the Model Repository content that was exported from the First Core into the database.

  2. Post Installation Tasks: During this phase you must perform various post-installation tasks to complete the configuration of the new Secondary Core.
Note: Before proceeding with the installation, confirm that you have addressed the issues in Phase 2: Prepare to Add the Secondary Core.

Phase 2: Prepare to Add the Secondary Core

This section describes adding Secondary Cores that, with an existing First Core, create a Multimaster Mesh of SA Cores that can coordinate server management. The cores in a mesh can be installed with the same configurations as the primary cores. See the sample configurations described in the section above .

Note: If you will be defining and installing multiple Facilities and Secondary Cores, you must install only one Secondary Core at a time. In other words, you must define each Secondary Core’s Facility then completely install its core components and content before defining another Facility and installing another Secondary Core. Simultaneous definition/installation of Facilities/cores is not supported.

To prepare to add a Secondary Core, perform the following tasks:

  1. Locate the SA Product Software (primary) and, if you will install the SA-supplied Oracle database used by the SA Model Repository, the Oracle_SA media.
  2. On the First Core’s Infrastructure Component server and on the server that will host the new Secondary Cores Model Repository, mount the SA Product Software (primary) and Oracle_SA media or NFS-mount the directory that contains a copy of the media.

Prepare the environment

  1. Ensure that the following folders have enough free space for the database export:
    • Database server path - <DATA_PUMP_DIR>
    • Database server path - /var/tmp
    • Model Repository server path - /var/tmp
    • Model Repository server path specified by installer parameter - <truth.dest>

    To estimate the export size, run the following command:

    <install_media>-primary/disk001/opsware_installer/tools/ <ORACLE_HOME> <sid> <oracle_admin_password><service_name>

    You can find the values for the required parameters in the CDF file of the primary core.

    Example: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1 truth password truth.PrimaryCore

  2. Before starting the primary database export, ensure that the COMPATIBLE parameters in the primary and secondary database init.ora file are set correctly. SA recommends setting the COMPATIBLE parameter to the Oracle RDBMS software version. Refer to the Oracle documentation for information on how the COMPATIBLE parameter affects the Data Pump Export-Import process.
  3. The Oracle Data Pump Export-Import process also depends on the Oracle Client version (expdp and impdp). For remote database installations, SA strongly recommends the Oracle Full Client be the same version as the Oracle RDBMS software. Refer to the Oracle documentation for information about how the Oracle Client version affects the Data Pump Export-Import process.
Note: The Installer must have read/write root access to the directories where it installs SA components, even on NFS-mounted network appliances.

Phase 3: Export First Core files to a TAR.GZ File and copy to the new Secondary Core host

In this phase, you export First Core files (CDF, cryptographic material) into a TAR.GZ file that must be copied to the new Secondary Core.

  1. On the First Core host, create a directory in which the TAR.GZ file will be saved. You can specify a custom location or accept the default:


    cd /

  2. On the server that hosts the First Core’s Infrastructure Component host, invoke the Add Datacenter to Mesh script ((

    Specify the full path to the Facility definition script.

    For example:


    where <distro> is the full path to the Product Software (primary) media.

    A screen similar to the following appears:
    add_dc_to_mesh will be performed on the following identified core host(s). If there is any inconsistency then try again with the correct CDF.
  (oracle_sas, truth_mm_overlay)  (infrastructure, word_uploads)  (slice, osprov)
    Do you want to continue (Y/N) [Y]:

    Type Y and press Enter to continue.

  3. Provide the OS credentials for each host in the list shown below:

    Host Passwords

    Parameter 1 of 2

    <ip_address> user [root]:

    Parameter 2 of 2

    <ip_address> password []:******

    You are prompted for the credentials for each specified host. SA validates each credential. After you provide all required credentials, you see the following message:

    All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

    Enter Y to continue.

    After you provide all required credentials, the SA Installer attempts to set up NFS mounts to the installation media and prepares each specified server for the installation.

    Note: For the next step, the Secondary Core will use the FIPS compliance settings you specified during the installation of the Primary Core. You will not be prompted for FIPS enablement during the Secondary Core installation.
  4. Select the type of Oracle installation for the secondary core.
    Secondary core Oracle installation

    1. Install Oracle with SA
    2. Use existing Oracle database
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

    If you chose to use an existing Oracle database (remote customer-supplied database) for the secondary core install, ensure that the secondary core’s Oracle database has already been installed and configured before running the add_dc_to_mesh process. The remote Oracle database must have been configured as described in Non-SA-supplied Oracle software and database setup.

  5. Provide values for the following Interview parameters:

    Interview Parameters
    Navigation keys:
    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.
    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.
    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.
    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.
    Parameter 1 of 11 (truth.dest)
    Please enter the full path to the directory where the export file will be saved [/var/opt/opsware/truth/]:
    Parameter 2 of 11 (newCore.dcNm)
    Please enter the short name of the new facility you would like to define (no spaces) []: SLAVE
    Parameter 3 of 11 (newCore.dcDispNm)
    Please enter the long name for the facility that you are adding to the mesh. [SLAVE]:
    Parameter 4 of 11 (newCore.dbHost)
    Please enter the hostname/IPaddress of the server where you are planning to install the Oracle database in the new facility. []:
    Parameter 5 of 11 (newCore.dbPort)
    Please enter the port on which the database is listening for the new facility [1521]:
    Parameter 6 of 11 (newCore.dbSid)
    Please enter the SID of the Oracle instance containing the Model Repository for the new facility [truth]:
    Parameters 5 and 6 are only displayed if you chose to use an existing (non-SA supplied) Oracle database for the secondary core.
    Parameter 7 of 11 (newCore.mgwIP)
    Please enter the IP address of the server where you are planning to install the Infrastructure component in the new facility (or where the management gateway will be installed). []:
    Parameter 8 of 11 (newCore.dcSubDom)
    Please enter the subdomain for the facility you are about to create (lowercase, no spaces) []:
    Parameter 9 of 11 (newCore.servicename)
    Please enter the tnsname of the Model Repository instance that you will be installing in the new facility [truth.SLAVE]:
    Parameter 10 of 11 (db.port)
    Please enter the port on which the database is listening. [1521]: 1521
    Parameter 11 of 11 (db.orahome)
    Please enter the path of the ORACLE_HOME directory of your Model Repository (truth) server. [/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/client_1]:
    Note: Parameters 10 and 11 refer to the port and ORACLE_HOME directory for the Primary Core Model Repository.

    You are asked to re-enter any required passwords for confirmation.

    After you have entered or accepted all required values, you see this prompt:

    All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

    End of interview.

    Type Y to continue. If you need to re-enter a value, type N.

  1. Specify the way in which the file transfer between the cores will be done:

    File transfer mode
    Do you want to manually transfer files from the primary to the secondary core? [N]:

    For manual file transfer, manually copy all necessary files from the primary core to the secondary core servers once the add_dc_to_mesh process is complete. With an auto file transfer, all files will be transferred automatically between cores.

    If you choose to manually transfer files, a message containing instructions on how to perform this will be printed. After the add_dc_to_mesh process is complete, you can still find this message in the log files. The instructions will be similar to the following:

    When running the manual add_dc process, you will need to manually copy the files necessary for the secondary core install from the primary core servers to the secondary core servers.
    The list of files that need to be copied is:
    1.Truth files
     Truth files need to be copied from the primary core’s truth server on the server on which the secondary core install will run.
     These files are:
            - truth.SLAVE.tar.gz
            - cdf.SLAVE.xml
     They can be found on the primary core’s truth in the /var/opt/opsware/truth/ directory.
    2.Database export
     The db export files (*.dmp) need to be copied from the primary core’s database server on the secondary core’s database server.
     If you choose to install the secondary DB server with SA, you will need to copy these *.dmp files in a temporary directory on the server, eg. /var/tmp/dbExport.
     If you will use an existing Oracle server for the secondary core, you will need to copy these files in the datapump directory.
     To determine the datapump directory path, run the following query on the Secondary Core’s Oracle server:
            select DIRECTORY_PATH from dba_directories where DIRECTORY_NAME=’DATA_PUMP_DIR’;

    If you choose to automatically transfer files, you will need to supply the credentials for the secondary core’s Oracle server and Infrastructure server in the next steps. If, for some reasons, the add_dc_to_mesh process fails after exporting the Model Repository, you will need to manually copy the files specified above on the secondary core servers and restart the primary core’s services if necessary.

  2. The following prompts (up until prompt 12) will be displayed only if you have selected the automatic file transfer mode:

    Primary core database is on <dbserver_ip_address>. Credentials are needed.
    Parameter 1 of 2
    <dbserver_ip_address> username [root]:
    Parameter 2 of 2
    <dbserver_ip_address> password []:****
    Re-enter the password to confirm:

    Supply the OS credentials for the primary core’s database server if you are using a remote database. Re-enter the password for confirmation.

  3. Specify the OS credentials for the secondary core’s database server.

    Secondary core database is on Credentials are needed.
    Parameter 1 of 2 user []: root
    Parameter 2 of 2 password []: *******
    All values are entered.  Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:
  4. Provide the path on the secondary core’s Oracle server where you want the DB export to be copied to.

    Specify the path on the secondary core's oracle server where to copy the DB export
    Specify the path on the secondary core's oracle server where to copy the DB export [/var/tmp/dbDump]:

    If you chose to install the secondary DB server with SA, you will need to copy these *.dmp files in a temporary directory on the server, example, /var/tmp/dbDump.

    If you will use an existing Oracle server for the secondary core, you will need to copy these files in the datapump directory. To determine the datapump directory path, run the following query on the Secondary Core's Oracle server:

    "select DIRECTORY_PATH from dba_directories where, DIRECTORY_NAME='DATA_PUMP_DIR';"

  5. Provide the OS credentials for the secondary core’s Infrastructure server

    Secondary Management Gateway Server is on Credentials are needed.
    Parameter 1 of 2 user []: root
    Parameter 2 of 2 password []: *******
    All values are entered.  Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]: Y

    If you entered the same IP/hostname for both the secondary Oracle and Infrastructure servers, this step (10) will be skipped.

  6. Specify the path on the secondary Core’s Infrastructure server where the installer will copy the First Core files (the tar.gz archive).

    Specify the path on the secondary core's Management Gateway Server where to copy the truth files
    Specify the path on the secondary core's Management Gateway Server where to copy the truth files [/var/tmp/truthFiles]:

    These files need to be copied on the server on which the secondary core install will run. If you do not want to run the secondary core install on the Infrastructure server, you will then need to manually copy these on the server on which you want to run the installer after the add_dc_to_mesh process finishes.

  7. The following screen is displayed:

    Ready to perform add DC to mesh
    Actions that will be performed:
      Define New Facility, Update Gateway Config
      Export Model Repository (truth)
    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    Type c to continue or press Enter to continue.

    A number of informational messages are displayed as the process continues.

    [INFO] ******************************************************************
    [INFO] Database export files *.dmp and *.log will be available on database server
    [INFO] under directory: /u01/app/oracle/admin/truth/dpdump/
    [INFO] File source_db_charset.txt is now available on this server in: [INFO] /var/opt/opsware/truth/
    [INFO] The Database export *.dmp files
    [INFO] (truth*_exp.dmp, aaa*_exp.dmp, gcadmin*_exp.dmp, lcrep*_exp.dmp,lcrep_tables*_exp.dmp)
    [INFO] and *.log files are now available on the Primary database server. [INFO] ******************************************************************

    When the script has completed its run, in the directory, /var/opt/opsware/truth (or the custom location you specified for the export file path (truth.dest), you will find a truth.SLAVE.tar.gz file. If you chose to manually copy this TAR.GZ file, you will need to copy it on the server on which you plan to run the secondary core install. Otherwise, the installer copies it automatically on the secondary core’s Infrastructure server, in the path that you provided during the interview.

  8. Continue to Phase 4.

Phase 4: Prepare the files necessary for the secondary core install

If you choose to manually transfer files in the interview from the previous phase, you must copy the First Core Files tar.gz archive and the secondary core’s CDF file from the primary core’s Model Repository server on the server on which you will run the secondary core installation. You will use this CDF file during the secondary core install.

You must also copy the database export files (*.dmp files) from the primary core’s database server (these files can be found in the datapump directory) to the secondary core’s Oracle database server. If you choose to install the secondary database server with SA, you will need to copy these *.dmp files in a temporary directory on the server. For example, /var/tmp/dbExport.

If you are using an existing Oracle server for the secondary core, you must copy these files in the datapump directory. To determine the datapump directory path, run the following query on the Secondary Core's Oracle server:

"select DIRECTORY_PATH from dba_directories where DIRECTORY_NAME='DATA_PUMP_DIR';".

If you choose to automatically transfer files in the interview from the previous phase, the installer copies the files in the appropriate locations. For the First Core Files tar.gz archive, this location is on the secondary core’s Management Gateway server. If you do not plan on running the secondary core install from the secondary core’s Management Gateway server, you will have to manually copy the TAR.GZ file on the server on which the installer will run.

The steps in the following phases assume you have already mounted the SA primary distribution for the Secondary Core.

This section describes the following samples of Secondary Core installations that can be performed in Phase 5:

Phase 5a: Install all Secondary Core components on a single host

This section describes installing all SA Core Components and the SA-supplied Oracle database on a single host. If you plan to install components on different hosts, see Phase 5b: Install all Secondary Core Components on a single host, remote Non-SA-supplied Oracle database.

During this phase, the First Core Model Repository content exported during Step 4 is imported into the Secondary Core’s Model Repository, the cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate location on the host and the SA Secondary Core Components installed.

Note: If you plan to use a remote Oracle database, there are specific configuration tasks you must perform on the database before installing the Secondary Core. See Appendix A: Oracle Setup for the Model Repository and the installation procedure described in Phase 5c: Install the Secondary Core Components on multiple hosts, remote Non SA-supplied database on remote database server.
  1. Invoke the SA Installer and specify (-c argument) the CDF copied in Phase 4:

    <distro>/opsware_installer/ -c /var/tmp/cdf.newCore4.xml

    where <distro> is the full path to the Product Software (primary) media.

  2. Press c to continue for the following informational messages displayed:
    Specify Hosts to Install
    Currently specified hosts:
    Please select one of the following options:
    1. Add/edit host(s)
    2. Delete host(s)
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):c.
  3. Enter the credentials for the new Secondary Core host and press Enter for the following message displayed:

    Host Passwords
    Parameter 1 of 2
    <newCore4_IP_Address> user [root]: 
    Parameter 2 of 2
    <newCore4_IP_Address> password []:**

    The password is validated and a number of informational messages display as the script continues.

    This step appears only if you are running the installer on a server that is not the secondary core server.

  1. Select option 1, Typical Secondary Core, and press Enter for the following message displayed:
    Install Type
    1. Typical Secondary Core
    2. Custom Secondary Core
    Enter the option number or one of  the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1
  2. Select option 1, Install Oracle with SA for the following message displayed:

    Oracle Installation
    1. Install Oracle with SA	
    2. Use existing Oracle database
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1

    Press c to continue.

  3. Select the TLS version
    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level. ========================================================================
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[2]:

    Select the same value as the primary core and press Enter to continue.
  4. Type 1 to select Simple Interview for the following message displayed:
    Interview Type
    1. Simple Interview
    2. Advanced Interview
    3. Expert Interview
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1

    Press c to continue.

  5. Provide values for the following interview parameters:
    Interview Parameters
    Navigation keys:
    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.
    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.
    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.
    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.
    Parameter 1 of 7 (truth.oaPwd)
    Please enter the password for the opsware_admin user. This is the password used to connect to the Oracle database. If you are installing Oracle with SA the opsware_admin user will be created with this password. Make sure the password complexity matches the security guidelines in your organization. []: *************
    Parameter 2 of 7 (decrypt_passwd)
    Please enter the password for the cryptographic material [*******]:
    Parameter 3 of 7 (truth.dcNm)
    Please enter the short name of the facility where Opsware Installer is being run (no spaces) [rose2]:
    Parameter 4 of 7 (windows_util_loc)
    Please enter the directory path containing the Microsoft patching utilities. Press Control-I for a list of required files or enter "none" if you do not wish to upload the utilities at this time [none]:
    Parameter 5 of 7 (
    Please enter the IP address of the NFS server for the Software Repository. For satellite installs, please enter the IP address of the Software Repository Cache. [newCore4_IP_Address]:
    Parameter 6 of 7 (
    Please enter the absolute path on the NFS server for Software Repository 
    Parameter 7 of 7 (
    Please enter the OS Provisioning Boot Server ip or hostname []:
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    Since you specified the CDF file from the First Core Model Repository export, you can accept the defaults, enter 2 and press c to continue.

    You are asked to re-enter any required passwords for confirmation.

    Press c to continue for the following message displayed:

    Install components
    Oracle RDBMS for SA
    Model Repository, Additional Core
    Core Infrastructure Components
    OS Provisioning Components
    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

  6. The prerequisite check begins.

    If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

         WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

         WARNING Nothing listening at (ip_address).
                 Note: Can be ignored if core install will be performed
                 using hpsa_install script.

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter.

  7. Enter the file name and path for the TAR.GZ file you copied on the local server in Phase 4 for the following message displayed:


    Enter the file path to the truth.*.tar.gz package.	
    Path to package file truth.SLAVE.tar.gz on the local server [/var/tmp/truthFiles/truth.SLAVE.tar.gz]:

    Press Enter. The content and cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate directories on the host. The SA installer also performs certain post-Oracle installation tasks and sets required file permissions. When the installation completes, you the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

  8. Supply the path to the directory containing the database export files on the core’s Oracle database server.

    Enter the path to the directory containing the database export files.
    Path to the directory containing the database export files on the Secondary Core's Model Repository server [/var/tmp/dbDump]:
  9. The script displays process messages and a completion message. During this process, the Installer registers the new Secondary Core’s Facility with the First Core’s Model Repository, automatically generating a unique ID for the Facility.

Phase 5b: Install all Secondary Core Components on a single host, remote Non-SA-supplied Oracle database

Use the following procedure to install all SA Secondary Core Components on a single server. The Non-SA-supplied Oracle database is installed on a different host.

The remote Oracle database must have been configured as described in Non-SA-supplied Oracle software and database setup before you begin the secondary SA Core installation.

During this phase, the First Core Model Repository content exported during Step 4 is imported into the Secondary Core’s Model Repository, the cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate location on the host and the SA Secondary Core Components installed.

  1. Invoke the SA Installer specifying (-c argument) the CDF copied in Phase 4:

    <distro>/opsware_installer/ -c /var/tmp/cdf.newCore4.xml

    where <distro> is the full path to the installation media.

    You see messages displayed on screen as the SA Installer loads the required files.

  1. The following message is displayed.
    Specify Hosts to Install
    Currently specified hosts:
    Please select one of the following options:
    1. Add/edit host(s)
    2. Delete host(s)
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Press c to continue.

  2. Provide the credentials for the Secondary Core host:

    Host Passwords

    Parameter 1 of 2
    <IP_address> user [root]:
    Parameter 2 of 2
    <IP_address> password []: **

    You are prompted for the user and password for the specified host. After you provide all required credentials, the message appears:

    All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

    Enter Y to continue.

    After you provide all required credentials, the SA Installer attempts to set up NFS mounts to the installation media and prepares each specified server for the installation.

    This step appears only if you are running the installer on a server that is not the secondary core server.

  3. After the SA Installation media is mounted for all servers, the following menu displays:
    Install Type
    1. Typical Secondary Core
    2. Custom Secondary Core
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1

    Select Option 1, Typical Secondary Core and press c to continue.

  4. Select 2, Use existing Oracle database for the following screen displayed:

    Oracle Installation
    1. Install Oracle with SA
    2. Use existing Oracle database
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

    Press Enter to continue.

  5. Select the TLS version
    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level. ========================================================================
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[2]:

    Select the same value as the primary core and press Enter to continue.
  6. Select the Interview Type from the following message displayed:
    Interview Type
    1. Simple Interview
    2. Advanced Interview
    3. Expert Interview
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 

    Type 1 for the Simple Interview and press Enter to continue.

  7. Provide values for the following interview parameters:
    Interview Parameters
    Navigation keys:
    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.
    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.
    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.
    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.
    Parameter 1 of 12 (truth.oaPwd)
    Please enter the password for the opsware_admin user. This is the password used to connect to the Oracle database. If you are installing Oracle with SA the opsware_admin user will be created with this password. Make sure the password complexity matches the security guidelines in your organization. []: ************* *************
    Re-enter the password to confirm: *************
    Parameter 2 of 12 (decrypt_passwd)
    Please enter the password for the cryptographic material [*************]:
    Parameter 3 of 12 (truth.dcNm)
    Please enter the short name of the facility where Opsware Installer is being run (no spaces) [SLAVE]:
    Parameter 4 of 12 (windows_util_loc)
    Please enter the directory path containing the Microsoft patching utilities. Press Control-I for a list of required files or enter "none" if you do not wish to upload the utilities at this time [none]:
    Parameter 5 of 12 (
    Please enter the hostname/IPaddress of the Oracle database server. []:
    Parameter 6 of 12 (truth.servicename)
    Please enter the service name of the Model Repository instance in the facility where Opsware Installer is being run [truth.SLAVE]:
    Parameter 7 of 12 (db.sid)
    Please enter the SID of the Oracle instance containing the Model Repository [truth]:
    Parameter 8 of 12 (db.port)
    Please enter the port on which the database is listening. [1521]:
    Parameter 9 of 12 (db.orahome)
    Please enter the path of the ORACLE_HOME directory of your Model Repository (truth) server. [/u01/app/oracle/product/]: 
    Parameter 10 of 12 (
    Please enter the IP address of the NFS server for the Software Repository. For satellite installs, please enter the IP address of the Software Repository Cache. []:
    Parameter 11 of 12 (
    Please enter the absolute path on the NFS server for Software Repository [/var/opt/opsware/word]:
    Parameter 12 of 12 (
    Please enter the OS Provisioning Boot Server ip or hostname []:
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    Since you specified the CDF file from the First Core Model Repository export, you can accept the defaults and press c to continue.

    You are asked to re-enter any required passwords for confirmation.

    When you have supplied values for all parameters, the following message displays:

    All parameters have values. Do you wish to finish the interview? (y/n):

    Enter y and press Enter to continue. If you enter n, you are presented with each parameter again with the value you entered as the default. You can then change the value or accept the default. If you need to exit the installation, press Ctrl-C.

    1. A screen similar to the following displays:

      Install components

      Model Repository, Additional
      Core Core Infrastructure
      Components Slice
      OS Provisioning Components

      Enter one of the following directives
      (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c


      Enter c and press Enter to begin the prerequisite checks.

      Note: If the server that will host your Slice Component bundle has more than one network interface installed, SA will detect the presence of two NICs and display a screen similar to the following:

      Slice Network Interface Configuration

      Parameter 1 of 2 (Slice:

      Please select the interface to use for

      1) eth2 --
      2) eth1 --
      3) eth0 -- (default)

      Select the appropriate network interface for each host by entering the associated number from the list.

      When you have configured all interfaces, you see the message:

      All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

      Enter y and press Enter to continue. You can edit the list again by pressing n and Enter.
  8. The prerequisite check begins.
    Note: Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation (see SA Installer prerequisite checker). The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

    If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE Support.
  9. If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

         WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

         WARNING Nothing listening at (ip_address).
                 Note: Can be ignored if core install will be performed
                 using hpsa_install script.

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

  10. Enter the file name and path for the TAR.GZ file you copied on the local server in Phase 4 for the following message displayed:
    Enter the file path to the truth.*.tar.gz package.
    Path to package file truth.SLAVE.tar.gz on the local server [/var/tmp/truthFiles/truth.SLAVE.tar.gz]

    Press Enter. The content and cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate directories on the host. The SA installer also performs certain post-Oracle installation tasks and sets required file permissions. After the extraction complete, the SA Installer begins the Secondary Core installation.

  11. A confirmation screen is displayed, similar to the one below. Make sure that all the presented requirements are met.

    Make sure you copied the database dump files on the Secondary Core's Oracle server.
    Please check that the files are in the following directory:
    Please also make sure that the oracle user has read permissions for the database dump files and write permissions on the folder.
    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

  1. You see many messages displayed as the installation progresses, unless the installation fails, these messages are purely informational. The installation can take several hours based on the performance of your server. When the installation completes, you the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

    Upon completion, a message displays indicating successful installation.

Phase 5c: Install the Secondary Core Components on multiple hosts, remote Non SA-supplied database on remote database server

Use the following procedure to install all SA Core Components on different host servers, for example, Slice Component bundle and/or Model Repository on different servers than the infrastructure components. It also uses an existing remote non-SA-supplied Oracle database. For information about configuring a non-SA-supplied Oracle database for use with SA, see Non-SA-Supplied Oracle Software and Database Setup.

During this phase, the First Core Model Repository content exported during Step 4 is imported into the Secondary Core’s Model Repository, the cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate location on the host and the SA Secondary Core Components installed.

  1. Invoke the SA Installer specifying the CDF (-c argument) copied in Phase 4:

    <distro>/opsware_installer/ -c /var/tmp/cdf.newCore4.xml

    where <distro> is the full path to the installation media.

    You see messages displayed on screen as the SA Installer loads the required files.

    For this example installation, we’ll use six remote servers for the core component installation. You will, of course, modify this for your particular system requirements. Components will be installed as follows:

Core component layout


Core Component to be Installed

Model Repository

Multimaster Infrastructure Components

Software Repository Storage and Content,,


SA Provisioning Media Server

SA Provisioning Boot Server, Slice version

  1. After a few informational messages display, a screen similar to the following displays:
    Specify Hosts to Install
    Currently specified hosts:
    Please select one of the following options:
    1. Add/edit host(s)
    2. Delete host(s)


    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):1

    Enter 1 and press Enter to continue.

  2. You are asked to specify the number of hosts that will be involved in the installation:

    Enter number of hosts to add:

    Enter the appropriate number. For this example, we use six hosts:

    Enter number of hosts to add: 5

  1. Enter the hostname or IP address of the first server that will host an SA Core Component(s):
    Adding Hosts
    Parameter 1 of 5
    Hostname/IP []:
     Press Enter.
    Do the same for all remaining servers. You see this message:
    All values are entered.  Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:
    Enter Y to continue.
    For this example, we add the hosts:

    A screen similar to the following displays:

    Specify Hosts to Install

    Currently specified hosts:


    Please select one of the following options:

    1. Add/edit host(s)
    2. Delete host(s)

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

  2. At this point you can press 2 to delete a host or 1 to add/edit a hostname/IP address. When you choose 1 for an existing list of hosts, you see this prompt:

    Enter number of hosts to add (or enter "0" to edit the list):

    When you are satisfied with the entries, type C and press Enter to continue.

  3. Provide the credentials for each host in the list shown in Step 4:
    Host Passwords
    Parameter 1 of 10 <IP_address> user [root]: Parameter 2 of 10 <IP_address> password []: *******

    You are prompted for the user ID and password for each specified host. Type the password (which will be obfuscated) and press Enter. After you provide all required credentials, the SA Installer attempts to set up NFS mounts to the installation media and prepares each specified server for the installation.

  4. After the host preparation completes, the following menu displays:
    Install Type
    1. Typical Secondary Core
    2. Custom Secondary Core
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 

    Select Option 1, Typical Secondary Core and press Enter to continue.

  5. Select 2, Use existing Oracle database for the Oracle installation type:

    Oracle Installation
    1. Install Oracle with SA
    2. Use existing Oracle database
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

    Press Enter to continue.

  6. Enter the associated number of the following component:
    Host/Component Layout
    1. Model Repository, Additional Core
    2. Core Infrastructure Components
    3. Slice
    4. OS Provisioning Components
    Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 

    You use this menu to assign the host on which the SA Core Components are to be installed.

    Press the associated number for the component (for example, 1 for the Model Repository). You will see a menu that lists the available hosts and the name of the component to be assigned. It will look similar to this:

    Host Assignment for Model Repository, Additional Core
    Enter the number of the host or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 
  7. Type the number associated with the hostname/IP address of the server you want to host the current SA Core Component and press enter.

    Selecting 1 assigns the Model Repository to the IP address, You will be returned to the Host Component Layout menu. Note that the Model Repository displays the hostname/IP address it was assigned to:

    Host/Component Layout
    1. Model Repository, Additional Core   :
    2. Core Infrastructure Components      :
    3. Slice                               :,,                                        :
    4. OS Provisioning Components          :
    Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    Repeat this step for each component listed on the Host Component Layout menu.

    You can assign multiple Slice Component bundles to the same host or to different hosts (you must assign at least one):

    Host Assignment for Slice
    1 ( )
    2 ( )
    Enter the number of the host or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <a>ll, <u>nselect all, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    After you have assigned a Slice Component bundle to a host, an asterisk is displayed next to the hostname/IP address:

    2 (*)

    After you have assigned a hostname/IP address for all components, enter c at the prompt and press Enter to continue.

  8. Select the TLS version.
    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level. ========================================================================
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[2]:

    Select the same value as the primary core and press Enter to continue.
  9. Select the Interview Type from the following message displayed:
    Interview Type
    1. Simple Interview
    2. Advanced Interview
    3. Expert Interview
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 

    Type 1 for the Simple Interview and press Enter to continue.

  10. Provide values for the following interview parameters:
    Interview Parameters
    Navigation keys:
    Use <ctrl>p to go to the previous parameter.
    Use <ctrl>n to go the next parameter.
    Use <tab> to view help on the current parameter.
    Use <ctrl>c to abort the interview.


    Parameter 1 of 12 (truth.oaPwd)
    Please enter the password for the opsware_admin user. This is the password used to connect to the Oracle database. If you are installing Oracle with SA the opsware_admin user will be created with this password. Make sure the password complexity matches the security guidelines in your organization. []: *************
    Parameter 2 of 12 (decrypt_passwd)
    Please enter the password for the cryptographic material [*******]:
    Parameter 3 of 12 (truth.dcNm)
    Please enter the short name of the facility where Opsware Installer is being run (no spaces) [SLAVE]:
    Parameter 4 of 12 (windows_util_loc)
    Please enter the directory path containing the Microsoft patching utilities. Press Control-I for a list of required files or enter "none" if you do not wish to upload the utilities at this time [none]:
    Parameter 5 of 12 (
    Please enter the hostname/IPaddress of the Oracle database server. []:


    Parameter 6 of 12 (truth.servicename)
    Please enter the service name of the Model Repository instance in the facility where Opsware Installer is being run [truth.SLAVE]:
    Parameter 7 of 12 (db.sid)
    Please enter the SID of the Oracle instance containing the Model Repository [truth]:
    Parameter 8 of 12 (db.port)
    Please enter the port on which the database is listening. [1521]:
    Parameter 9 of 12 (db.orahome)
    Please enter the path of the ORACLE_HOME directory of your Model Repository (truth) server. [/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1]: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/client_1
    Parameter 10 of 12 (
    Please enter the IP address of the NFS server for the Software Repository. For satellite installs, please enter the IP address of the Software Repository Cache. []:
    Parameter 11 of 12 (
    Please enter the absolute path on the NFS server for Software Repository 
    Parameter 12 of 12 (
    Please enter the OS Provisioning Boot Server ip or hostname []:


    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    You are asked to re-enter any required passwords for confirmation.

    Since you provided the CDF you created when you installed the Primary SA Core, SA uses the default core configuration parameter values from that CDF as the default for this interview.

    When you have supplied all required values, you see this prompt:

    All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

    Enter Y and press Enter to continue.

    A screen similar to the following displays:

    Install components

    Model Repository, First Core :
    Multimaster Infrastructure Components :
    Software Repository Storage :
    Slice :,,
    OS Provisioning Media Server :
    OS Provisioning Boot Server, Slice version :
    Software Repository - Content (install once per mesh):

    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Type c and press Enter to begin the prerequisite checks.

Note: If the server that will host your Slice Component bundle has more than one network interface installed, SA will detect the presence of two NICs and display a screen similar to the following:

Slice Network Interface Configuration

Parameter 1 of 2 (Slice:

Please select the interface to use for

1) eth2 --
2) eth1 --
3) eth0 -- (default)

Parameter 2 of 2 (Slice:

Please select the interface to use for

1) eth0 -- (default)
2) eth2 --
3) eth1 --

Select the appropriate network interface for each host by entering the associated number from the list.

When you have configured all interfaces, you see the message:

All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

Enter y and press Enter to continue. You can edit the list again by pressing n and Enter.
  1. The prerequisite check begins.
Note: Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation (see SA Installer prerequisite checker). The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE Support.
  1. If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks

    Results for <IP_address>:

           WARNING Insufficient swap space (18 GBytes).
                    24 Gbytes is the recommended for Oracle.

         WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is

         WARNING Nothing listening at (ip_address).
                 Note: Can be ignored if core install will be performed
                 using hpsa_install script.

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them.

    If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

  2. Enter the file name and path for the TAR.GZ file you copied on the local server in Phase 4 for the following message displayed:

    Enter the file path to the truth.*.tar.gz package.
    Path to package file truth.SLAVE.tar.gz on the local server [/var/tmp/truthFiles/truth.SLAVE.tar.gz]:


    Enter the file name and path for the TAR.GZ file you copied on the local server in Phase 4 and press Enter. The content and cryptographic material is extracted to the appropriate directories on the host. The SA installer also performs certain post-Oracle installation tasks and sets required file permissions. After the extraction complete, the SA Installer begins the Secondary Core installation.

  3. A confirmation screen is displayed, similar to the one below. Make sure that all the presented requirements are met.
    Make sure you copied the database dump files on the Secondary Core's Oracle server.
    Please check that the files are in the following directory:
    Please also make sure that the oracle user has read permissions for the database dump files and write permissions on the folder.
    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c
  4. You see many messages displayed as the installation progresses, unless the installation fails, these messages are purely informational. The installation can take several hours based on the performance of your server. When the installation completes, you the Core Description File (CDF) is automatically saved.

    Upon completion, a message displays indicating successful installation.

Secondary Core post-installation tasks

After you have added a new core to a Multimaster Mesh, you must perform the tasks described in this section.

Associating customers with the new facility

Associate the appropriate customers with each new Facility so that servers managed at that Facility are associated with the correct customers accounts. For more information, see the "Customer Account Administration" section in the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Updating permissions for the new facility

After you have added a new Facility to your Multimaster Mesh, your SA users will not yet have the required permissions to access the new Facility. You must assign the required permissions to the user groups. For more information, see the "User Group and Setup" section in the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Verifying multimaster transaction traffic

To verify Multimaster transaction traffic with the target facility:

  1. Log in to the SA Client as any user who belongs to the Opsware System Administrators group.
  2. From the Navigation panel, expand Multimaster Tools under Administration.
  3. In the State View Window, note the status box for each facility's transaction.

    A transaction is a unit of change to a Model Repository database that consists of one or more updates to rows and has a globally unique transaction ID. If the number of Not Received transactions is not continually growing, the new SA Core is integrated into the Multimaster Mesh.

Note: It is normal for some transactions to display a not sent status for a short period.
  1. Click Refresh to refresh the cached data until all transactions display green.

For more information, see the Multimaster Mesh Administration section in Overview.