Mounting the SA installation media

The SA installation/upgrade media is organized into separate categories in the downloaded file structure, for example:

  • oracle_sas (HPE Server Automation Database)

    The media used to install the Oracle database

  • primary (HPE Server Automation Product Software)

    The media used to install the SA Core Components

  • upload (HPE Server Automation Agents and Utilities)

    The media used to upload and install SA Core content and tools

  • sat_base (HPE Server Automation Satellite Base)

    The media used to install the SA Satellite components, it does not include the OS Provisioning components and is therefore smaller and can be helpful when you are transferring the media over the network.

  • sat_osprov (HPE Server Automation Satellite Base including OS Provisioning)

    The media used to install the SA Satellite and the Satellite’s OS Provisioning components.

Initial invocation of the hpsa* scripts for core install/upgrade for SA Cores must be from the primary media, Satellites from the sat_base or sat_osprov media.

The SA Installer requires that the media directory structure be maintained, for example:


where <user_defined_prefix>-<media_name> is, for example, hpsa-primary, hpsa-sat_base, etc. HPE recommends the prefix hpsa and the media category identifiers shown above (sat_base, primary, etc.). The hyphen after hpsa is required even if you do not append a prefix.

SA is delivered as media that can be copied to a local disk or mounted as an NFS mount point. You must mount all media on a host where install script will be invoked. If media is mounted as follows the SA installer will auto mount it on local or remote core host(s) as needed.

If you use a different directory structure, the SA Installer will prompt you for the path each time it needs to access the media.