Install > Oracle setup for the model repository > SA-supplied Oracle RDBMS software and database setup

SA-supplied Oracle RDBMS software and database setup

Note: If you plan to install the Oracle RDBMS software and database yourself, you do not need to perform the tasks in this section. See Non-SA-supplied Oracle software and database setup.

If you plan to use a SA-supplied Oracle database with the SA Model Repository, you should read the following sections for information about what the SA Installer does when installing the Oracle software and database during SA installation. The SA Installer performs all the tasks discussed below. You should also review System requirements before proceeding with this section.

SA-supplied RDBMS configuration details

When you install the SA-supplied Oracle RDBMS using the SA Installer Oracle installation option, the installer:

  • Checks that all requirements are met on the host server (see System requirements).
  • Sets certain kernel parameters to required values (see Modifiable kernel parameters).
  • Creates the Unix user oracle locally in /etc/passwd.
  • Creates the Unix groups dba and oinstall locally in /etc/group.
  • Sets the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the following directory:


  • Sets the $ORACLE_SID environment variable to truth.
  • Creates a database with the UTF8 character set, TIME_ZONE set to '+00:00' and with required init.ora parameters.
  • Creates the tablespaces and data and index files under the following directories:





    The system administrator can configure the /u01, /u02, /u03, /u04 directories before installing the Oracle RDBMS software.

  • Gets the service name (TNS name) from the SA Installer interview (truth.servicename prompt) and inserts it into the tnsnames.ora file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin and /var/opt/oracle. The SA Installer changes the value of the host parameter in tsnames.ora to the value returned by the Unix hostname command.
  • In the /$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file, changes the value of the host parameter to the value returned by the Unix hostname command.

    The listener is password protected and OS authenticated. (The default password is opsware.) By default, it listens on port 1521.

  • Creates the /etc/init.d/opsware-oracle script, which you can use to start up and shut down the database and listener.

    This script is linked to corresponding scripts in the /etc/rc*.d directories.

  • Creates the user opsware_admin with the required privileges.
  • After installation is complete, you can examine the logs that are created here:



SA recommends that you change the default passwords for the following:

  • the Unix user oracle
  • the Oracle database users SYS and SYSTEM

    SA does not use the SYS and SYSTEM users.

  • the Oracle listener

    In the /$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file, SA sets the value of the host parameter to the value returned by the Unix hostname command. The listener is password protected and OS authenticated. The default password is opsware. By default, the Oracle listener uses port 1521.

SA-supplied Oracle installation

SA supports the following SA/Oracle database configurations:

  • SA Core and Oracle database on a single host
  • SA Core with the Oracle database on a remote database server

See SA Core configurations for a description of supported SA Core/Oracle database configurations and installation instructions.SA Core installation

Installing the Model Repository database on a remote server

To install or upgrade the Model Repository Oracle database on a remote server:

  1. Perform the following tasks on the server on which you will run the SA Installer:
    1. Install the Oracle Full Client software.
      The steps below use /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/client_1 as the Oracle Full Client home.
    Note: The Oracle Full Client must be the same version as the Oracle database.
    1. Ensure that the Oracle Full Client software is owned by the OS user oracle.
    2. Copy the database server's /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora file to the client machine’s
      /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora. Ensure that the hostname in the file resolves properly.
    3. If it does not exist, create the following directory:

      mkdir -p /var/opt/oracle

    4. Create the following symbolic link:

      # ln -s /var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

    5. Ensure that the Unix user oracle has read-write permission on the tnsnames.ora file.
    6. Ensure that the SA Installer Core Definition File (CDF) has the correct path to the client tnsnames.ora file (%truth.tnsdir), oracle client home (%db.orahome), database server name/IP (, listener port (%db.port), SA Installer machines subdomain (%truth.dcSubDom), and so on. Based on the above steps your parameter values will be:
      • %truth.tnsdir=/var/opt/oracle
      • %db.orahome=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/client_1
      • %db.port=1521
      • (server on which the Oracle database is installed)
    7. Ensure that the COMPATIBLE parameter is set correctly and that it matches the database version. For example, for database software that is version ensure that COMPATIBLE= SA uses Oracle's Export Data Pump and Import Data Pump utilities during secondary core creation. These utilities require the COMPATIBLE parameter be specified correctly.
  2. Perform the following tasks on the Model Repository host:
    1. Log in as the user oracle.
    2. Ensure that the listener is started with the command:

      lsnrctl start <your_listener_name>