Install > Satellite installation > Satellite installation

Satellite installation

This section describes how to install a Satellite with the simple topology: a Satellite with a Single Core.

This topology has the following characteristics:

  • The Satellite contains a single Software Repository Cache.
  • The Satellite communicates with a single Management Gateway on a core server. No other gateways communicate with the Satellite. In other words, the Satellite is not part of a cascading Satellite installation in which one Satellite communicates with the core’s Management Gateway while the cascaded Satellites communicate with the core using that Satellite’s Gateway as an intermediary.

Required information

Depending on the interview level you choose (simple, advanced), you will be prompted to supply the following information during the installation process as shown in the following table.

Satellite installation required information checklist





opsware_admin user access

The opsware_admin password.


SA Administrator’s access

The SA Administrator’s password


The Satellite Facility identification

The name of the new Satellite’s facility.


Realm name

The name of the new Realm to be serviced by the Satellite. SA uses the Realm name and the IP address of a managed server to uniquely identify a managed server. The Gateway Installer assigns the Realm name to the new Satellite facility. The Core and Satellite facility names must be different. The Realm name cannot contain spaces.


The name for a new or existing Satellite Gateway (name cannot contain spaces)

The name of the Gateway the Satellite will use for communications with the Primary Core management Gateway or other Satellite Gateways (in a cascaded Satellite topology).


The port used by Agents to contact the new Satellite.

The port number on which agents can contact the Satellite Gateway. (Default: 3001).


A Core Management Gateway IP address

The IP address of a server running a Management Gateway.


The Management Gateway’s listener port

The port number through which tunnel connections to the Management Gateway will pass. (The default port is 2001.) The Management Gateway listens on this port for connection requests from the Satellite. In the Management Gateway Properties File, this port specified with the opswgw.TunnelDst parameter

The path to the Core’s Gateway Properties file is:



The port on which a Core's Management Gateway listens for connection requests.

The port number on which a Core's Management Gateway listens for connection requests from Satellite Gateways to SA Core Components (default 3003) or the port on which a Satellite Gateway listens for connection requests from other Satellite Gateways to SA Core Components (cascading Satellite links) (default 3001).


Accessing Core cryptographic material

The password required to access the Core’s cryptographic material.


Package Repository location
(SA Provisioning)

The root directory for the Package Repository.

For example:



Software Repository

Directory where Package Repository will temporarily place content during uploads.

For example:


Software Repository

The host name of the server where Software Repository content is stored.


Linux media location
(SA Provisioning)

The pathname to the Linux media.

For example:



Solaris media location
(SA Provisioning)

The pathname to the Solaris media.

For example:



Windows media location
(SA Provisioning)

The pathname to the Windows media.

For example:



Windows Media location
(SA Provisioning)

The share name to use for the Windows media sharing server (note: share names that are longer than 8 characters may give errors while browsing or may not be accessible to some older clients.)


Windows Media location
(SA Provisioning)

The password to write-protect the Windows media share. Import_media tool will prompt for this password each time it is run.

SA Provisioning Boot Server

The SA Provisioning Boot Server IP or hostname.


Agent- Gateway communications

The list of Gateways on which the Satellite's agent will be installed. Specified by the IP address and port number (ip:port) on which Agents can contact the Gateway in the Satellite facility. Default <satellite_gateway>:3001.


Bandwidth configuration

The gateway Bandwidth Configuration Management port.


Bandwidth configuration

The gateway bandwidth usage channel port.


Bandwidth configuration

The port for the administrative interface of the Agent Gateway.

Tip: You may want to name the Realm according to the physical location of the Satellite’s data center, for example, the building, corporate site, or city. The SA Client lists the facility names of the core and its Satellites.

Satellite installation phases

This section provides a summary of the Satellite installation process. You can use the right-hand column to indicate that a phase is completed:

Satellite installation phases





Prepare for Installation



Complete the Installer Interview



Install the Satellite



Install the SA Provisioning Components (optional)



Post-Satellite Installation Tasks


Phase 1: Preparing for installation

  1. Locate the SA Satellite installation media.

    • sat_base (HPE Server Automation Satellite Base) - The media used to install the SA Satellite components, it does not include the OS Provisioning components and is therefore smaller and can be helpful when you are transferring the media over the network.

    • sat_osprov (HPE Server Automation Satellite Base including OS Provisioning) - The media used to install the SA Satellite and the Satellite’s OS Provisioning components. You can use this media for installing any satellite.

  1. On the server where you will install the new Satellite, mount the installation media or NFS-mount the directory that contains a copy of the media.

    Requirements: The Installer must have read/write root access to the directories where it will install the SA Core Components, including NFS-mounted network appliances.
  2. In a terminal window, log in as a user with root privileges.
  3. Create the Realm directory:

    mkdir -p /var/opt/opsware/crypto/cadb/realm

  4. If you have not already done so as described in Satellite installation requirements, copy the database of cryptographic material (opsware-crypto.db.e) from any Core server in the facility to the Satellite server. On the Core server, the database and the gzipped tar file are located in:


The database of cryptographic material must be copied on the Satellite server to the same directory path as on the core server. The directory and database must be readable by the root user.

If you initiate a Satellite installation on a server that does not have a copy of the cryptographic material, the installer will require you to copy the material to the server before it can continue.

In a Single Core installation, the cryptographic material is located in the /var/opt/opsware/crypto/cadb/realm directory on the Primary Core. In a Multimaster Mesh installation, the cryptographic material can be copied from the /var/opt/opsware/crypto/cadb/realm directory on any server that hosts a core component. If you have stored the cryptographic material on a remote, non-SA Core server, copy the file from the remote server’s /var/opt/opsware/crypto/cadb/realm directory.

  1. Create the following directory on the Satellite host:


    From the core to which the satellite will connect, copy the /etc/opt/opsware/crypto/security.conf file to the same directory on the Satellite host.

  2. Create the directory /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf/ to contain cdf.xml.
  3. Copy the CDF from the core’s Infrastructure Component bundle host:


    to the same location on the new Satellite host.

  4. Change to the root directory:

    cd /

  5. Go to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Completing the installer interview

  1. On the Satellite host, run the Installer script:

    # <distro>/disk001/opsware_installer/ -c /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf/cdf_<timestamp>.xml

    You must specify the full path to the script.

  2. A screen similar to the following displays:
    Host / Component Layout
    1 ( ) Satellite
    2 ( ) OS Provisioning Boot Server
    3 ( ) OS Provisioning Media Server
    Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 

    At the components prompt, select the IDs of the components you want to install and assign each of them to a host. After all the components have been assigned to a host, press c to continue.

  3. Note: The SA Provisioning Boot Server and Media Server entries only appear when you have initiated the Satellite installation from the SA Satellite Base Including OS Provisioning media. You may choose not to install the OS Provisioning components.
  4. Select the TLS version
    Cryptographic Protocol Selection for the Server Automation Components
    [WARNING] Please make sure that all the cores and satellites from the mesh are at the same TLS level. ========================================================================
    1. TLSv1
    2. TLSv1.1
    3. TLSv1.2

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit)[2]:

    Select the same value as the primary core and press Enter to continue.
  1. A screen similar to the following is displayed:
    Host/Component Layout
    1. Satellite []
    2. OS Provisioning Boot Server []
    3. OS Provisioning Media Server []
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Press c to continue.

  2. The interview type selection screen is displayed:
    Interview Type
    1. Simple Interview
    2. Advanced Interview
    3. Expert Interview
    Enter the option number or one of the following directives
    (<p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    Select 1 for a simple interview or 2 for an Advanced interview. The list in step 4 shows which parameters are modifiable in the Simple and Advanced interviews. The Expert interview is for the use of HPE Technical Support or Professional Services only.

  3. Provide values for parameters presented during the interview or accept defaults.

    The parameter values requested during the interview depend on the interview mode:

    1. (truth.oaPwd)Please enter the password for the opsware_admin user
      - Simple and Advanced
    2. (cast.admin.pwd) Enter the password for the SA admin user
      - Advanced and Expert
    1. (satellite.dcNm) Enter the new Satellite Facility name
      -Simple and Advanced
    2. (satellite.realm_name) Enter the new Satellite Realm name
      - Expert
    3. (satellite.gateway_name) Enter the name of the Satellite Gateway
      - Expert
    4. (satellite.proxy_port) Enter the port used by agents to contact the new Satellite
      - Advanced and Expert
    5. (satellite.parentgw.ip) Enter the IP address of the First Core Management Gateway
      - Simple and Advanced
    6. (satellite.parentgw.tunnel_listener_port) Enter the port number on which a Core's Management Gateway listens for connections from Satellite Gateways or the port on which a Satellite Gateway listens for connections from other Satellite Gateways (cascading satellite links)
      - Advanced and Expert
    7. (satellite.parentgw.proxy_port) Enter the port on which the Management Gateway listens for Satellite connections
      - Advanced and Expert
    8. (decrypt_passwd)Enter the password for the cryptographic material
      - Advanced
    9. (word_tmp_dir)Enter directory where Package Repository will temporarily place content during uploads. [/var/opt/opsware/wordbot_tmp/]
      - Expert
    10. (word_root)Enter the root directory for the Package Repository
      - Expert
    11. (media_server.linux_media)Enter the pathname of the Linux media
      - Advanced and Expert SA Provisioning
    12. (media_server.sunos_media)Enter the pathname of the Solaris media
      - Advanced and Expert SA Provisioning
    13. (media_server.windows_media)Enter the pathname of the Windows media
      - Advanced and Expert SA Provisioning
    14. (media_server.windows_share_name)Enter the share name to use for the Windows media sharing server (note: share names that are longer than 8 characters may give errors while browsing or may not be accessible to some older clients.) [OSMEDIA]
    15. (media_server.windows_share_password) Enter a password to write-protect the Windows media share. Import_media tool will prompt for this password each time it is run
      - Expert
    16. ( the OS Provisioning Boot Server ip or hostname
      - Simple and Advanced SA Provisioning
    17. (agent_gw_list_args)Enter the IP address and port number (ip:port) on which agents can contact the gateway in this facility
      - Expert
  4. Supply values for the parameters. When you have completed entering all of the required information, the Installer displays this message:

    All parameters have values. Do you wish to finish the interview (y/n):

    If you are satisfied with your answers, press y.

    If you want to review or change your answers, press n. The installer displays the prompts again, showing in brackets [ ] the values that you just entered during the interview.

    After modifying your responses, press y to finish the interview.

  5. The Installer automatically saves your values into a CDF in /var/tmp.

Phase 3: Installing the Satellite components

  1. A screen similar to the following is displayed:

    Install components

    OS Provisioning Boot Server
    PS Provisioning Media Server

    Enter one of the following directives
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious>, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

    Press c to continue.

  2. Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

    If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE support services.

    If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

    Prerequisite Checks
    Results for <IP_address>:
    WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is recommended.

    Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
    (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

    The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them. If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

  3. Satellite installation begins.

    When Satellite installation completes, the installer displays a message indicating that the that the installation was successful.

Phase 4: Post-Satellite installation tasks

After you install the Satellite, perform the tasks listed in the following sections. For more information, see the "Satellite Administration" section in the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Facility permission settings

Note: This is an important step because until you set the facility permissions, you cannot view the new Satellite or view/modify the managed servers associated with the Satellite’s facility.

The SA Gateway Installer assigns the Realm name to the facility name of the Satellite. To access managed servers in the Satellite, an SA user must belong to a group that has the necessary permissions for the Satellite’s facility. For example, you might set the permissions for the Satellite facility to Read & Write for the Advanced Users group, enabling members of this group to modify the servers managed by the Satellite.

For instructions, see the Setting the "Facility Permissions of a User Group" section in the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Checking the Satellite

To verify that the Core Management Gateway is communicating with the Satellite:

  1. Log in to the SA Client as a member of a user group that has the Manage Gateway permission.
  2. From the Navigation panel, click Administration > Gateway.
  3. Verify that the upper left corner of the Manage Gateway page displays a link for the new Satellite.

    If the Manage Gateway page does not display the link for the Satellite, you may need to modify the Satellite properties file located in:


    If you are implementing a cascaded satellite setup with wordcache enabled, then you must manually add the following entries in the properties file ( of the parent satellite:

    opswgw.EgressFilter=tcp:*:1003:*:<cascaded satellite realm name>

    opswgw.EgressFilter=tcp:*:8061:*:<cascaded satellite realm name>

    If you modify the properties file, you must restart the Satellite:

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas restart opswgw

  4. Log in to the SA Client as a member of a user group that has Read (or Read & Write) permission for the Satellite facility.
  5. From the Navigation panel, click Servers > Manage Servers.
  6. Verify that the Manage Server page displays the host name of the Satellite server.

DHCP configuration for SA Provisioning

After you install the SA Provisioning Boot Server component, you must set up a DHCP server. For more information, see DHCP configuration for SA Provisioning.

Optional: Installing the OS Provisioning component for an already installed satellite

The SA Provisioning Boot Server and Media Server are required only if you want to use the SA Provisioning feature in the Satellite. The SA Provisioning Boot Server and Media Server can reside on a different server than the Satellite.

The OS Provisioning components are considered optional and can be installed at a later time.

Installing SA Provisioning components on the Satellite host

If you are installing the SA Provisioning components on the same host as the Satellite, invoke the installer again with the -c option to specify the CDF created by the interview when you installed the satellite component/

/<distro>/disk001//opsware_installer/ -c /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf/cdf_<timestamp>.xml

At the Specify Satellite hosts prompt add the IP or hostname of the server where you want to install the SA Provisioning components. If the IP / hostname of Satellite where you want to add the SA Provisioning components is already listed, press c to continue, otherwise press 1 to add it to the list of hosts:

Specify Satellite hosts:
Currently specified hosts:
Please select one of the following options:
1. Add/edit host(s)
2. Delete host(s)
Enter the option number or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit):

At the components prompt, select the OS Provisioning components to install:

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server
3. OS Provisioning Media Server
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

Select the IDs of the components you want to install (OS Provisioning Boot Server and OS Provisioning Media Server) and assign each of them to a host.

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server [<ip_address>]
3. OS Provisioning Media Server [<ip_address>]
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

After all the components have been assigned to a host, press c to continue.

Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation (see System requirements for installation ). The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE support services.

If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

Prerequisite Checks
Results for <IP_address>:

WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is recommended.

Enter the option number or one of the following directives:
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and/or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them. If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

When Satellite installation completes, the installer displays a message indicating that the installation was successful.

Installing SA Provisioning components on a non-Satellite host

If you are installing the SA Provisioning components on a different server than the Satellite, you must follow these instructions:

Copy the database of cryptographic material from the Satellite host to the SA Provisioning components host. These file are found on the Satellite host in the following location:


The database of cryptographic material must have the same paths and filenames on both servers. The directory and files also need to be readable by the root user.

Copy the CDF created by the interview when you installed the satellite component to the server that will host the SA Provisioning components. You can find the CDF file in the following location:


Using the Satellite Base Including OS Provisioning media, invoke the SA Installer again with the -c option and specify the CDF you copied previously:

/<distro>/opsware_installer/ -c /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf/cdf_<timestamp>.xml

At the Specify Satellite hosts prompt, you must add the IP or hostname of the server where you want to install the SA Provisioning components

Specify Satellite hosts:
Currently specified hosts:
Please select one of the following options:
1. Add/edit host(s)
2. Delete host(s)
Enter the option number or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1

You are asked to specify the number of hosts that will be involved in the installation. Enter the appropriate number. For this example, we add one host in addition to the default host:

Enter number of hosts to add: 1

Enter the hostname or IP address of the first server that will host an SA Provisioning Component and press Enter. You see this message:

All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

Enter Y to continue.

A screen similar to the following appears:

Specify Satellite hosts:
Currently specified hosts:
Please select one of the following options:
1. Add/edit host(s)
2. Delete host(s)
Enter the option number or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

Press C to continue.

The next step is to provide the OS credentials for the added host

Host Passwords
Parameter 1 of 2
<ip_address_2> user [root]:
Parameter 2 of 2
<ip_address_2> password []: *******

You are prompted for the password credentials for each specified host. After you provide all required credentials, you see the message:

All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

At the components prompt, select the OS Provisioning components to install and assign them to the newly added server:

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address1>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server
3. OS Provisioning Media Server
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

Select the IDs of the components you want to install (OS Provisioning Boot Server and OS Provisioning Media Server) and assign each of them to a host.

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address1>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server [<ip_address2>]
3. OS Provisioning Media Server [<ip_address2>]
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

After all the components have been assigned to a host, press c to continue.

Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE Support Services.

If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

Prerequisite Checks
Results for <IP_address>:
WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is recommended.
Enter the option number or one of the following directives: (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and / or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them. If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

When Satellite installation completes, the installer displays a message indicating that the installation was successful.