Use > Software management > Quick start to software management > Remediating managed servers against software policies

Remediating managed servers against software policies

The remediation process works by comparing what is actually installed on a managed server to the software that should be installed per the software policy. SA then determines what operations are required to make the server compliant. Server Scripts attached to the policy are executed during each remediation, even if all patches/packages of the policy are compliant.

When you remediate a server or device group, SA installs the software resources (patches, packages, scripts, server objects, and application configurations) in the attached software policy in the order specified in the policy. See Remediating servers with software policies for more information about the remediation process.

If a software policy specifies sub-policies, all the software resources from the sub-policies are grouped together and then installed as a unit. See Software policies for more information on how policies with sub-policies are handled.