Use > Software management > Remediating and installing software

Remediating and installing software

SA Remediation is the policy-based method for installing software. This process involves attaching a software policy to managed servers or device groups and then remediating the servers or device groups against the policy.

Running the remediation job involves defining the job options, which provide flexibility and control of the software installation process. For example, the installation process is clearly delineated into stages: analysis, download, and installation. The remediation options allow you to independently schedule each stage. You can also define system reboot settings, run scripts, associate a ticket ID to each job and receive a job status notification by email upon successful completion of a stage.

The SA Remediation process compares what is actually installed on a server to the software that should be installed on the server according to the software policy, and determines what operations are required to make the server compliant. It then installs the software and applies the application configurations to the managed servers according to the software policy specifications, making them compliant.