Creating an HPVM

To create an HPVM:

  1. Follow the instructions in Launching the HP-UX Virtualization Manager.
  2. In the HP-UX Virtual Servers window, right-click an HPVM hypervisor.
  3. Choose Create VM to display the Create Virtual Machine window (see below).

  1. Enter the following information for the new HPVM. You can create a new HPVM simply by entering a name and accepting the defaults:

Create VM

Tab and Section

Field or Button


Description and Default Setting








HPVM name

(Can include up to 256 upper or lower case alphanumeric characters; dash (—); underscore (_), and period (.))

Note: Cannot start with a dash


Default: NewVirtualMachine.




HPVM description.

(Can include up to 256 upper or lower case alphanumeric characters; dash (—); underscore (_), and period (.))


Operating System will be HP-UX


Whether the HP-UX operating system be installed on this VM

Note: Installing the HP-UX operating system is not part of creating an HPVM.

Default: Not selected.


When the host machine powers up, the HPVM should start:


Starts when host powers up

Default: Automatically.




Start HPVM manually





Desired CPUs

Number of CPUs

1 - 256

Number of CPUs dedicated to the HPVM

Default: 1


(click to display choices)

Specify Processing Power




% of each CPU to be used for the HPVM

% Utilization maximum must be >= % utilization minimum

Defaults: Minimum: 10; Maximum: 100



CPU Cycles



Number of CPU cycles (Megahertz or Gigahertzs)






Desired Memory



MegaBytes (MB) of memory allocated to HPVM

Default: 512

Dynamic Memory Control

(click to display choices)

Use dynamic memory control


Required: Checked Dynamic Memory Control box

Default: Disabled


Initial Target Memory Size


Initial memory that dynamic memory driver tries to access when guest starts

Required: Checked Dynamic Memory Control box


Minimum Memory Size


Minimum memory available to be dynamically allocated to guest

Required: Checked Dynamic Memory Control box


Maximum Memory Size


Maximum memory available to be dynamically allocated to guest

Required: Checked Dynamic Memory Control box

Virtual Networks



List of vSwitches associated with HPVM

Defined Virtual Network - Add Virtual Switch

(click Add Virtual Switch to display choices)



vSwitch information for existing vSwitches


Network Adapter Type



LAN or AVIO-LAN to associate with the vSwitch

Default: LAN


Network Interface Card

Any available

PCI Bus (0 - 7)

PCI Device (0-7)


Type of interface card to associate with the vSwitch

Default: Any available PCI bus or device (recommended choice)


Select a vSwitch


vSwitches available to associate with the HPVM

Note: Select the switch and click Done to add the switch to the list.

  1. Click Submit to create the HPVM and add it to the list.