Required SA permissions

This section describes the SA permissions required for HP-UX use. For complete information on permissions, see the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Virtualization service management permissions

The SA Administration Guide provides details on permissions required for HP-UX use. Not all of these permissions apply to HP-UX; check these tables for more detailed information.

Required action permissions

To manage HP-UX VMs, your SA user must either belong to an SA user group that has the following action permissions or have the permissions:

Permission tab


User action enabled

System Administration:
Managed Servers and Groups


View managed servers and device groups

View Virtualization Inventory


View HPVM hypervisors, HPVMs, vPars containers, vPars, and vSwitches

Discover and refresh HPVM hypervisors

Manage VM Lifecycle: Create VM
Manage VM Lifecycle: Modify VM
Manage VM Lifecycle: Delete VM


Create, modify, and remove HPVM hypervisors, vPars containers, vPars, vSwitches, and HPVMs

Manage VM Power State


Shut down, halt, and start HPVMs, vPars, and vSwitches

Required folder permissions

You need access to the SA Library folder containing the HP-UX Virtualization Manager web extension to manage HP-UX VMs and run the web extension. This web extension is located in the SA Library folder /Opsware/Tools/Virtualization Programs. For complete information on folder permissions, refer to the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

Use the following procedure to assign the required folder permissions to a user:

  1. Log in to the SA Client as an administrative user that has permission to set folder permissions.
  2. In the SA Client, select the Library tab.
  3. Select the By Folder tab to display the SA Library folder structure.
  4. Navigate to the folder: /Opsware/Tools/Virtualization Programs.
  5. Right-click Virtualization Programs and select the Folder Properties menu. This displays the Folder Properties window.
  6. In the Folder Properties window, select the Permissions tab. This displays the user groups that have some permissions to the folder.
  7. Select the user group you want to grant access to. If the user group does not appear, select the Add button to add it.
  8. Select Execute Objects Within Folder.
  9. Select OK.

Required resource permissions

As with all server management tasks, you need access to the HP-UX servers. Grant access to the facility, customer and at least one device group of your HP-UX managed servers. For complete information on resource permissions, see the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.