Administer > Permissions reference > Virtualization service management permissions

Virtualization service management permissions

To manage virtualization services (VSs), virtual machines (VMs), and VM templates, you must have the action permissions listed in the following table.

If a user does not have a particular action permission (the permission is set to No), the corresponding menu item will not appear in the SA Client Actions menu.

Virtualization action permissions

Action Permission


View Virtualization Inventory

Also requires the permission Managed Servers and
Groups = Yes. Allows you to view virtualization inventory (across supported technologies) and perform the “Reload Data” operation to view the most up-to-date virtualization information. If this permission is set to No, the Virtualization tab in the SA Client and the Oracle Solaris Zones view are not displayed.

Manage VM Lifecycle:
Clone VM

Clone virtual machines and perform compatibility checks. “Customize Guest OS” is also required for guest customization.

Manage VM Lifecycle:
Create VM

Create VMs and perform compatibility checks. When running the OS Build Plan from a Create VM job, also required are the permissions listed for “Run OS Build Plan” listed in the OS Provisioning permissions required for user actions table.

Manage VM Lifecycle: Customize Guest OS

Allows OS guest customization during “Clone VM” or “Deploy VM from VM Template.”

Manage VM Lifecycle:
Delete VM

Delete VMs.

Manage VM Lifecycle: Deploy VM from VM Template

Deploy VMs from VM templates and perform compatibility checks. “Customize Guest OS” is also required for guest customization.

Manage VM Lifecycle:
Migrate VM

Migrate virtual machines (host only, storage only, or both host and storage) and perform compatibility checks.

Manage VM Lifecycle:
Modify VM

Modify configuration of VMs.

Manage VM Power State

Ability to perform power control operations for VMs (for example, power on, power off, pause, suspend, reset, restart guest, and shutdown guest).

Manage VM Templates: Convert VM to VM Template

Convert VMs to VM templates.

Manage VM Templates:
Delete VM Template

Delete VM templates.

Administer Virtualization Services

Register, modify and remove virtualization services.

Add Host to Virtualization Service

Add hypervisors to a virtualization service so that they can be managed.

Virtualization container permissions and server resource permissions

In addition to action permissions, virtualization container permissions are required to perform all virtualization actions. Virtualization container permissions give you access to virtualization containers such as datacenters, hypervisors, host groups, clusters, resource pools, folders, projects, and their children.

The access-control list (ACL) inheritance rule defines what user groups are automatically granted access to any newly added or discovered virtualization containers, based on what ACLs the user group has for the parent container.

Permission options are L (List), READ, WRITE, X (execute), and PM (edit permissions). If you want the setting for groups with X or PM to inherit ACLs, then use “X,PM.” The path to the rule is located here: Administration/System Configuration/Server Automation/Web Services Data Access Engine/Twist.v12n.inventory.inheritance.acl.

The PM option, which is the default, is the most strict option and is good for use with multi-tenant control. PM requires that a user with Edit permissions (generally a virtualization administrator) manually assign access to other groups. Only user groups that already have PM for the parent of the newly added or discovered container gets access.

The List option is the most permissive. If the user group has List permissions for the parent container, the group is automatically added to the new container with the group’s same permissions. For example, Group A has List and Read permissions, and Group B has List, Read, Write, and Execute permissions, for Datacenter 1. A new cluster is added under Datacenter 1. Group A now has List and Read permissions for the new cluster, and Group B has List, Read, Write, and Execute for the new cluster.

In addition to action permissions and virtualization container permissions, server resource permissions are required on servers running in a Virtualization Service. Server resource permissions are granted through facilities, customers, and device groups.

For more information about virtualization permissions and server resource permissions, see the "Virtualization management" section in the SA 10.50 User Guide.

Where the Virtualization action permissions table lists just the action permissions, the Virtualization Tasks and Required Permissions for vCenter and SCVMM table lists the user tasks you can perform and the complete set of action permissions, virtualization container permissions, server resource permissions, and in some cases folder permissions required to perform each user action.

Virtualization tasks and required permissions

Table 40 lists the permissions required to perform each task on the virtualization inventory. The tasks in this table are used with VMware vCenter, Microsoft SCVMM. For more information on these tasks, see the "Virtualization management" section in the SA 10.50 User Guide.

Virtualization Tasks and Required Permissions for vCenter and SCVMM

User Action

Required Action Permissions

Required Virtualization Container Permissions

Required Server Resource Permissions (Facility, Customer, Device Group)

View Virtualization tab in SA Client

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

VS: List


Separate permissions on each container under the VS

Datacenter: Read (for access to the underlying datastores)

On the parent container of VMs and templates: Read

VS server: Read

Add VS

Administer Virtualization Services: Yes

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

None needed.

VS server: Read

Edit VS,
Remove VS

Administer Virtualization Services: Yes

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

VS: Write

VS server: Read

Reload Data for the VS or a container under the VS

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

VS or container under the VS: Read

None needed

Add Host to Virtualization Service

Add Host to Virtualization Service: Yes

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the hypervisor is being added: Write


VS container if no container is specified: Write

Server (hypervisor) being added: Read

VM Power Controls - Start, Stop, Reset, Restart Guest, Shutdown Guest, Suspend, and Pause VM

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Power State: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Read


Create VM

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Create VM: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Allow Execute OS Build Plan: Yes, if specifying an OSBP.

Manage Package: Read, for non-PXE Create VM with OSBP.

Destination container (hypervisor, cluster, or resource pool) where the VM will reside: Write

Folder in the vCenter VS inventory where the VM will reside: Write

Server.write for the newly created VM

Note - Execute permission is also required on the SA Library folder containing the selected OS Build Plan.

For non-PXE Create VM with OSBP: Read on the Opsware/Tools/OS Provisioning/WinPE folder (Windows)

Read on the Opsware/Tools/OS Provisioning folder (Linux).

Modify VM

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Modify VM: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Write


Hypervisor container the VM is on (vCenter only): List

VM server: Write

Migrate VM

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Migrate VM: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Write


To migrate storage - Hypervisor: List

To migrate host or host and storage - destination container (hypervisor, cluster, or resource pool) where the VM will reside: Write

VM server: Read

Clone VM (vCenter only)

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Clone VM: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Read

Destination container (hypervisor, cluster, or resource pool) where the new VM will reside: Write

Folder in the vCenter VS inventory where the new VM will reside: Write

Source VM server: Read

New VM server: Write

Guest OS - When performed as part of a Clone VM operation or a Deploy VM from VM Template operation

Same as Clone VM when performed as part of a clone VM operation.

Same as Deploy VM from VM Template when performed as part of a deploy VM operation.

Manage VM Lifecycle: Customize Guest OS: Yes

Allow Execute OS Build Plan: Yes

Same as Clone VM when performed as part of a clone VM operation.

Same as Deploy VM from VM Template when performed as part of a deploy VM operation.

Same as Clone VM when performed as part of a clone VM operation.

Same as Deploy VM from VM Template when performed as part of a deploy VM operation.

For Linux customization, Execute on the Opsware/Tools/Build Plans/Virtualization/Guest Customization/Linux folder.

For Windows customization, Execute on the Opsware/Tools/Build Plans/Virtualization/Guest Customization/Windows folder.

Delete VM

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Delete VM: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Write

VM server: Write

Deploy VM from VM Template

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Lifecycle: Deploy VM from VM Template: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM template resides: Execute

Destination container (hypervisor, cluster, or resource pool) where the new VM will reside: Write

Folder in the vCenter VS inventory where the new VM will reside: Write

VM template server: Read

New VM server: Write

Convert VM to VM Template

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Templates: Convert VM to VM Template: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM resides: Write

VM Templates folder in SCVMM Library: Write

VM server: Read

Delete VM Template

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes

Manage VM Templates: Delete
VM Template: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM template resides: Write

VM server: Write

Merge Servers

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes (in order to merge a Virtualization server with another server)

Merge Servers: Yes

Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Container where the VM or Template resides: Write


Hypervisor: Write

Server.write for both servers to merge

Solaris virtualization permissions

The following table lists the permissions required for managing Oracle Solaris Zones. For more information, see the "Virtualization Management" section in the SA 10.50 User Guide.

Solaris virtualization permissions

User Action

Required Action Permissions

Server Resource Permissions (Facility, Customer, Device Group)

Create Zone

Manage VM Lifecycle: Create VM View Virtualization Inventory: Yes Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Hypervisor server: Read
Customer the new VM is assigned to: Write

Reload Data

View Virtualization Inventory: Yes Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Hypervisor server: Read
VM server: Read


Manage VM Lifecycle: Modify VM View Virtualization Inventory: Yes Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Hypervisor server: Read
VM server: Write


Manage VM Lifecycle: Delete VM View Virtualization Inventory: Yes Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Hypervisor server: Read
VM server: Read

Start, Stop

Manage VM Power State: Yes
View Virtualization Inventory: Yes Managed Servers and Groups: Yes

Hypervisor server: Read
VM server: Write