Running the staging utility

To run the staging utility:

  1. On the server running the Software Repository component (part of the Slice Component bundle), verify that the certificate token.srv is in your CRYPTO_PATH. During installation token.srv is copied to:


  2. Log into the server running the Core’s Software Repository.
  3. Enter the following command to change directories:

    # cd /opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/util

  4. To stage the files you want, run the utility stage_pkg_in_realm, which has the following syntax:

    ./stage_pkg_in_realm [-h | --help] [-d | --debug]
    [--user <
    USER>] --pkgid <ID> --realm <REALM> [--gw <IP:PORT>] [--spinurl <URL>] [--wayurl <URL>] [--word <IP:PORT>]

To force package staging, the Staging Utility provides the argument override_caching_policy=1, which is specified in the URL request for the software. For example:

./stage_pkg_in_realm --user admin --pkgid 80002 --realm luna
Password for admin: <password>
Package /packages/opsware/Linux/3ES/miniagent is now being staged in realm luna