Running HCM Local Tests

To run the local tests, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on as root to the server running the SA core components that you want to test.
  2. Run the SA start up script using the status argument or specify the mode (test category) argument and one or more components (see the next section for the command options). For example, the following verifies that the Web Services Data Access Engine is available.

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas status twist

    The following table describes the HCM command-line arguments. For a description of the opsware-sas options for starting and stopping a core, see Options for the SA Start/Stop Script.

    Options for the HCM Local Test Script




    The set of tests to run. The mode can be one of the following strings:

    status: Runs tests that verify the availability of the specified components. For example, the tests verify that the components are listening on the correct ports and responding to basic queries.

    verify_post: Same as status.

    verify_pre: Runs tests that validate the conditions necessary for the specified components to operate.

    verify_functionality: Runs tests that are similar to the tests run by the status mode; however, they might take longer to run. Therefore, you might choose to skip these tests to save time.

    health: Runs the tests of the status, verify_pre, and verify_functionality modes and provides an overview of the overall state of the specified components.


    The internal name of the core component. If this option is not specified, then all components are validated. To view the internal names of the components installed on the local server, enter the following command:

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas list


    Options that control how the tests are run. Allowed values:

    terse=[true|false]: If true, summarizes the results of all successful tests for each component in a single SUCCESS message; however, the results of failed tests are displayed individually. By default, this option is set to false. (This option is passed to the individual tests.)

    parsable=[true|false]: If true, summarizes the results from all tests for each component with a single SUCCESS or FAILURE message. By default, this option is set to false. (This option is passed to the individual tests.)

    verify_filter=<regex>: Runs only the tests whose file names match the regular expression you enter. For example, specifying verify_filter="OPSW" runs only tests with file names that contain the string OPSW, such as By default, this option is not defined. (This option is not passed to the individual tests.)

    If a given test is a symbolic link to another file, the filter will be evaluated against the target of the symbolic link, not the name of the symbolic link. If the test is a symbolic link, verify_filter uses the file name of the file it is pointing to for comparisons.

You can find a list of the internal name used for certain Core Components and their standard names in SA Core Component internal names.