Setting Up Passwordless SSH for Global Tests

The global tests access remote servers in a core through the SSH daemon. These tests require you to supply user passwords or to use SSH public/private keys. Passwordless login with keyfile is supported only for the root user.

To set up authentication using public/private keys generated by ssh-keygen, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the following commands on the trusted server and accept the defaults. The commands are different for Linux and Solaris.


    cd /root/.ssh

    ssh-keygen -t dsa


    cd /.ssh

    ssh-keygen -t dsa

  2. Update the client server by copying the file to the client server’s .ssh directory and then renaming it to authorized_keys. Here are some example commands for Linux and Solaris:


    scp <host>:/.ssh/authorized_keys



    scp <host>:/.ssh/authorized_keys


  3. Verify the trusted server. Run the following command to validate that the trusted server can connect to the client server without a password:

    ssh -l root <host>