Creating a customer group

A customer group associates one or more users with one or more customers and makes those users customer administrators. An SA customer administrator is an SA user who can modify all the user groups that have access to that customer. To create an SA customer administrator, you must create a customer group:

  1. Log in to the SA Client as a super administrator, such as admin.
  2. Select the Administration tab in the navigation pane.
  3. Under the Users and Groups node in the navigation pane, select the Customer Groups node. This displays all your existing customer groups.
  4. Select the Actions > Add menu or select the New Item icon.
  5. Enter the name and a description of the customer group.
  6. Select the Customers view.
  7. Select the “+” icon or the Actions > Add menu. This displays all your customers.
  8. Select one or more customers and press Select.
  9. Select the Users view.
  10. Select the “+” icon or the Actions > Add menu. This displays all your SA users.
  11. Select one or more users that you want to add to the customer group and press Select.
  12. Select File > Save.
  13. Select File > Close.