Folders, customer constraints, and software policies

If a customer is assigned to a folder, the customer constrains some of the actions on the software policies contained in the folder. These constraints are enforced through filtering: The objects that can be associated with the software policies must have a matching customer.

For example, suppose that you want to add the quota.rpm package to a software policy. The package and the software policy reside in different folders. The customer of the policy’s folder is Widget and the customer of the package’s folder is Acme. When you perform the Add Package action on the policy, the packages that you can choose will not include quota.rpm. The customer of the policy’s folder (Widget) acts as a filter, restricting the objects that can be added to the policy. If you add the Widget customer to the folder of quota.rpm, then you can add quota.rpm to the policy.

The following list summarizes the customer constraints for software policy actions. These constraints are invoked only if the software policy’s folder has one or more customers. Software policy actions not listed here, such as New Folder, do not have customer constraints.

  • Attach Software Policy: The customer of the server being attached must be one of the customers of the software policy's folder.
  • Install Software Policy Template: The customer of the server must be one of the customers of the folder of each software policy contained in the template.