Setting Resource permissions - facilities, customers, and device groups

All managed servers are grouped by customers, facilities, and device groups. The Resource Permissions view lists the customers, facilities, and device groups the user group has access to. For more information, see Resource permissions.

To modify resource permissions for a user group:

  1. In the SA Client, select the Administration tab in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the Users and Groups node in the navigation pane. This displays the User Groups node.
  3. Select the User Groups node. This displays all your user groups.
  4. Select a user group. This displays information about that user group in the lower part of the screen.
  5. Select the Actions menu, or right-click and select the Open menu. This displays the user group in a new screen.
  6. In the navigation pane, select the Resource Permissions view. This displays all the facilities, customers, and device groups to which the user group has access.
  7. To add access to a customer, perform the following steps:
    1. Select the “+” icon under the Customers heading. This displays a list of all customers in a separate window.
    2. Select one or more customers.
    3. Select the access, either Read or Read & Write.
    4. Select the Add button.
  8. To remove access to a customer, select the customer and select the “-” button.
  9. To add access to a facility, perform the following steps:
    1. Select the “+” icon under the Facilities heading. This displays a list of all facilities in a separate window.
    2. Select one or more facilities.
    3. Select the access, either Read or Read & Write.
    4. Select the Add button.
  10. To remove access to a facility, select the facility and select the “-” button.
  11. To add access to all device groups, select the check box labeled Allow access to all device groups.
  12. To add access to a subset of device groups, perform the following steps:
    1. Clear the check box labeled Allow access to all device groups. This displays the “+” icon.
    2. Select the “+” icon under the Device Groups heading. This displays a list of all public device groups in a separate window.
    3. Select one or more device groups.
    4. Select the access, either Read or Read & Write.
    5. Select the Add button.
  13. To remove access to a device group, select the device group and select the “-” button.
  14. Select File > Revert to discard your changes.
  15. Select File > Save.