Setting OGFS permissions

This section describes how to set OGFS permissions for a user group. For more information, see Global File System permissions.

  1. In the SA Client, select the Administration tab in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the Users and Groups node in the navigation pane. This displays the User Groups node.
  3. Select the User Groups node. This displays all your user groups.
  4. Select a user group. This displays information about that user group in the lower part of the screen.
  5. Select the Actions menu or right-click and select the Open menu. This displays the user group in a new window.
  6. In the navigation pane, select OGFS permissions. This displays the current OGFS permissions.
  7. To add permissions, select the “+” icon. This displays the Add OGFS Permissions window, as shown in the following figure. This screen has three main parts:
    • Features lists the action permissions for performing tasks with the OGFS and OGSH.
    • Groups lists the servers that the actions can be performed on. Servers are grouped by facilities, customers or device groups.
    • Logins specifies the login name to be used when connecting to servers using the OGFS and OGSH.

Add OGFS Permissions Window

  1. In the Features section, select the OGFS actions you want to grant under the Available list. Select the arrow to move those actions to the Selected list.
  2. In the Groups section, first select the type of server group you want to select from in the Servers In drop-down list. Select either Customers, Facilities or Device Groups.
  3. Select one or more customers, facilities or device groups. Select the arrow to move them to the Selected list.
  4. In the Logins section, select the check box labeled SA user name if you want OGFS users to log in with their SA user name. Otherwise select the check box labeled Login as and enter one or more user names for logging into servers with the OGFS.
  5. Select the Add button.
  6. To remove permissions, select one or more permissions and select the “-” button.
  7. Select File > Revert to discard your changes.
  8. Select File > Save to save your changes.

For more information on OGFS permissions, see Global File System permissions.