6. Import Values from the Configuration File

The next step is to set values in a value set. While you can set values in a value set manually, the easiest way is to import the values from an existing configuration file. In this step you will import the values from a configuration file on the server.

To import the values from the configuration file as described below, copy and paste the XML listed in Sample Travel Manager DTD-based XML File: mysql.xml above into the target file /var/www/html/we/mysql.xml on your managed server. Copy and paste the DTD listed in Sample Travel Manager XML DTD File: mysql.dtdabove into the target file /var/www/html/we/mysql.dtd. This will enable the import step below.

  1. In the server Management Policies, open the Configured Applications node. This displays the application configuration attached to the server.
  2. Open the TM-mysql-dtd node. This displays the server instance value sets, which are the node under the TM-mysql-dtd node.
  3. Select the “Value set 1 for mysql.xml” node. This is the server instance value set for the mysql-dtd.tpl configuration template.
  4. Right-click on any value under the Value column and select the Import Values menu.
  5. In the Confirmation Dialog, select Yes. This imports the values from the file /var/www/html/we/mysql.xml into the value set at the server instance level.
  6. Select the Save Changes button. The following figure shows the XML-DTD template with the server instance value set and the mouse-over text displayed from the ACM-DESCRIPTION element.

    Value Set and Mouse-Over Text for XML-DTD Configuration Template
  7. Leave the application configuration displayed for the next step.