Use > Application configuration concepts and tasks > Application Configuration concepts > Pushing Application Configurations to servers

Pushing Application Configurations to servers

Anytime you change values in a value set, to merge those changes with the configuration file on the target server you must push the application configuration to the server. When you push an application configuration, all the values in the value set replace the values in the configuration files on the target managed servers. If the configuration file does not exist on the target server, a new file is created on the server when you push. In addition, all the scripts in the application configuration are executed based on the script type.

When you push an application configuration, the following events occur.

  • SA runs the data-manipulation script, if specified.
  • SA generates the target configuration files from the templates and value sets.
  • SA backs up the existing configuration files.
  • SA runs the pre-install script, if specified.
  • SA copies the generated configuration files to the server.
  • SA executes the post-install script, if specified.
  • SA executes the post-error script, if specified and if either the pre-install script fails or the post-install script fails or the copy operation fails.

For information about how application configurations are pushed in the context of Software Policies and Audits, see Application Configurations in software policies.

For more information about using scripts in application configurations, see Creating a template from a script and Managing non-text configurations by running a data manipulation script.

For instructions on how to push an application configuration, see Pushing Application Configurations.

Note The way in which sequences (of lists and scalars) are merged when you push depends upon how values have been set in the Application Configuration inheritance hierarchy and what sequence merge modes have been configured in the CML template for the Application Configuration. For more information about sequence merging, see Sequence aggregation.