Common scope cases

The following examples show Windows directory options for each type of scope use case and related file system diagrams. For Windows, the Windows ACLs option is available. For UNIX, the User and Group Access Rights option is available.

The following figure is an example of options required for Directories + Files (recursive).

Scope Case 1: Directories + Files (recursive)

The following figure is an example of options required for Directories + Files. These are the default options.

Scope Case 2: Directories + Files (default)

The following figure is an example of options required for Files Only.

Scope Case 3: Files Only

The following figure is an example of options required for Files (recursive).

Scope Case 4: Files (recursive)

The following figure is an example of options required for Directories (recursive).

Scope Case 5: Directories (recursive)

The following figure is an example of options required for Directory Only.

Scope Case 6: Directory Only

The following figure is an example of options required for Directories Only.

Scope Case 7: Directories Only

The following figure is an example of options required for Recursive Only.

Scope Case 8: Recursive Only