Administer > Content utilities > IDK > Installing the IDK

Installing the IDK

It is recommended that you install and run the IDK on a managed server (a server running a server agent). For instructions, see Installing the IDK on a managed server. For more information on server agents, see the SA 10.50 User Guide.

You can install the IDK on a core server, but do so with care. The core components share the CRYPTO_PATH environment variable with the IDK tools. If you set the CRYPTO_PATH environment variable incorrectly, the core components might cease to function.

You can install the IDK on an unmanaged server (a server that does not run a core component or an agent), but the functionality of the IDK will be limited. On such a server, you can build ISMs but you cannot upload them to the core unless you set the CRYPTO_PATH environment variable. See CRYPTO_PATH for information on this variable. See Installing the IDK on an unmanaged server.

Installing the IDK on a managed server

To install the IDK and the ISMTool on a managed server, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a managed server to run the IDK.
  2. Verify that the host where you install the IDK runs the same operating system version as the managed servers where the ISM’s application will be installed.

    For example, if you are creating ISMs for applications to be installed on Redhat Linux 7.3 managed servers, install the IDK on a Redhat Linux 7.3 system.
  3. If you are installing the IDK on a Redhat Linux Application Server, Enterprise Server, or Workstation, then make sure that the rpm-build package is already installed. To verify that this package is installed, enter the following command:

    rpm -qa | grep rpm-build
  4. If you are installing the IDK on a Solaris zone, make sure that the /usr/local directory exists and has write access. (This directory might not exist in a sparse root zone.) You can perform this task either with Server Automation or with the following zonecfg commands, where path is the file system on the global zone:

    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> add fs
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set dir=/usr/local
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set special=path
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set type=lofs
  5. In the SA Client, search for a software policy with a name that contains “ismtool.”
  6. In the list of software policies displayed, right-click the policy for the platform where you will run the IDK, and then select Attach Server.
  7. On the Attach Server window, select the managed server where you will run the IDK.
  8. Make sure that the Remediate Servers Immediately check box is selected.
  9. Click Attach.
  10. Unix: In a terminal window, log in as root to the host where you are installing the IDK and set the PATH environment variable to include the following value.
  11. (On Windows the PATH is set automatically, but will not take effect until you log in again.)
  12. In a terminal window, check the IDK installation by entering the following command:
    ismtool --myversion

Installing the IDK on an unmanaged server

It is recommended that you install and run the IDK on a managed server (a server running a server agent). For instructions, see Installing the IDK on a managed server.

You can install the IDK on an unmanaged server (a server that does not run a core component or an agent), but the functionality of the IDK will be limited. On such a server, you can build ISMs but you cannot upload them to the core unless you set the CRYPTO_PATH environment variable. See CRYPTO_PATH for information on this variable.

To install the IDK and the ISMTool on an unmanaged server, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a managed server to run the IDK.
  2. Verify that the host where you install the IDK runs the same operating system version as the managed servers where the ISM’s application will be installed.

    For example, if you are creating ISMs for applications to be installed on Redhat Linux 7.3 managed servers, install the IDK on a Redhat Linux 7.3 system.
  3. If you are installing the IDK on a Windows managed server, set the CRYPTO_PATH environment variable as described in CRYPTO_PATH.
  4. If you are installing the IDK on a Redhat Linux Application Server, Enterprise Server, or Workstation, then make sure that the rpm-build package is already installed. To verify that this package is installed, enter the following command:

    rpm -qa | grep rpm-build
  5. If you are installing the IDK on a Solaris zone, make sure that the /usr/local directory exists and has write access. (This directory might not exist in a sparse root zone.) You can perform this task either with Server Automation or with the following zonecfg commands, where path is the file system on the global zone:
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> add fs
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set dir=/usr/local
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set special=path
    zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set type=lofs
  6. In the SA Client, search for a software policy with a name that contains “ismtool.”
  7. Locate and open the policy that matches the target server platform.
  8. Select the Policy Items view to see all the packages in the policy.
  9. Locate and open the package that matches the OS and architecture of the target server.
  10. Download the package to the target server using the Actions > Export Software menu.
  11. Manually install the package onto the target server.
  12. Unix: In a terminal window, log in as root to the host where you are installing the IDK and set the PATH environment variable to include the following value.

    (On Windows the PATH is set automatically, but will not take effect until you log in again.)
  13. In a terminal window, check the IDK installation by entering the following command:
    ismtool --myversion