Release notes > Known issues, limitations, and workarounds

Known issues, limitations, and workarounds

The 10.51 release of SA has the following known issues and limitations.

ID Area Issue
QCCR1D203515 Product Functionality

Word reports missing packages when working in a multislice environment deployed on top of a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) custom partitioning.

Workaround: Do not mount Word on the core servers where you are planning to install SA slices. Mount /var/opt/opsware/word on a local partition only for the core server where infrastructure/wordstore will be installed.

Packages are stored in the /var/opt/opsware/word on the infrastructure/wordstore server. Slices only mount the NFS export, therefore no actual space is required on the slice server for this folder.

Therefore, before installing the core make sure that /var/opt/opsware/word is not mounted and does not exist under /etc/fstab. After installation, only the wordstore NFS mount should be available.

QCCR1D213724 Product Functionality Installing a secondary core fails with the following error message: Failed to determine data pump dir.
QCCR1D227522 Deployability Slices may not always show the right product version in the SA client.
QCCR1D227998 Deployability

Installing additional slices fails if recurring jobs are scheduled to run.

Workaround: Cancel any pending recurring scheduled jobs, and restart the slice installation.

QCCR1D202377 Product Functionality

CORD  installation on a secondary core fails if the installer runs word_uploads before patch_opsware.

QCCR1D209907 Interface/Usability Using kill -9 or CTRL-\ on the installer script causes /var/tmp/oitmp to hang. When trying to restart the installer, the following error message is displayed: Cannot mkdir /var/tmp/oitmp.
QCCR1D222141 Product Functionality Tsunami is not enabled for satellites upgraded from SA 9.1x.
QCCR1D191511 Product Functionality Oracle RAC Connection Failover is not transparent.
QCCR1D172654 Interface/Usability SA 10.0 installer does not validate /etc/hosts against multiple 'localhost' definitions.
QCCR1D112384 Product Functionality It is not possible to activate debug logging in apx.c.
QCCR1D209175 Product Functionality MS Patch DB import status in SA Client may not reflect the actual status.
QCCR1D229895 Patch Management

When importing RedHat 6 rpms using redhat_import, any ++ characters available in the package title are converted to spaces.

This leads to the following error when trying to apply patches: An error occurred while installing or removing this package. The package may not be applicable to the selected server. Parameters: results: {0} package: {1} command: {2} Action: Ensure that the package is correctly defined and applicable to the selected server. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.

QCCR1D179480 Software Management

The tokens used by recurring app config compliance jobs have a limited lifetime of one year. This causes the recurring jobs to stop working without a warning.

QCCR1D219299 Product Functionality Cannot install/update HP-UX operating environments through SA patching mechanism.
QCCR1D142522 DCML Export Tool (DET)

Exporting a full CBT with all.rdf and cbt.numthreads=10 hangs.

Workaround: Run the export with a single CBT thread by setting cbt.numthreads=1 in the CBT configuration file.

By default, the configuration file is available on the HPE Server Automation core at /opt/opsware/cbt/cfg/

QCCR1D220924 Product Functionality MemoryError exception raised when remediating HP-UX managed servers.
QCCR1D156389 Product Functionality

Users and Groups SMO do not report all the groups created on Windows 2012 Essentials. The SMO does not record any changes made to the user properties.

This means that audits with U&G rules are not accurate for Windows 2012 Essentials.

QCCR1D237353 Installer

You cannot upgrade to version 10.60 if the SA Core’s existing certificate is MD5 base.

Workaround: Recertify the SA Core to use a different signature algorithm.

QCCR1D233038 SA-OO integration

After upgrading SA 10.50 to SA 10.51, the certificates from keystore are deleted, which results in the failure of SA-OO Integration.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to reimport the certificates:

  1. Stop the Web Services Data Access Engine (Twist):

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas stop twist

  2. Transfer the OO Central Certificate to SA:

    Note When you are prompted for a password, provide the password as changeit.

    1. Export the OO Central Certificate.

      The procedure to export the certificate may differ depending on the OS version you have on your OO server. For more details, see the OO documentation.

      Note The client certificate is not bundled with SA, therefore, you must run the certificate export command on the OO server.

      For example; run the following command to certificate from an OO 10.x instance installed on a Windows server:

      <OO_INSTALL_DIR>\java\bin\keytool.exe -exportcert -alias tomcat -file

      C:\oocentral.crt -keystore <OO_INSTALL_DIR>\central\var\security\

    2. Import the OO Central Certificate to the SA Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Keystore:

      /opt/opsware/openjdk/jre/bin/keytool -importcert -alias oocert -file

      /tmp/oocentral.crt -keystore /opt/opsware/openjdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts

      Note The example above uses the alias, oocert. However, you can use any alias when importing the certificate, provided the alias is not already used in that keystore.

  3. Verify whether OO Central Certificate was imported successfully:

    /opt/opsware/openjdk/jre/bin/keytool –list –alias oocert –keystore


  4. Restart the Web Services Data Access Engine (Twist):

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas restart twist

QCCR1D232666 Agent

If a custom certificate is added to the cert.pem file, this certificate is not available when rolling back the SA 10.51 cert pem patch.

Workaround: Back up /opt/opsware/openssl/cert.pem to a secure location and restore it after upgrading.

QCCR1D233169 Patching

Some failed patch installations may show up as successful although they have been rolled back during server reboot.

Workaround: Always check the Patch Compliance page of the Job Status window to make sure you are getting the correct result for your remediation job.

QCCR1D193587 Interface/Usability

When scanning hosts with ipv4 and ipv6 enabled, results show both ipv6 and ipv4 IPs. However, the SSH port is not available for IPv6.

Workaround: Modify the ADT scanning parameters based on the network topology, proxy and firewall rules.

If you cannot scan unmanaged servers via ADT on IPv6, go to the SA Client > ToolsOptionsSA Agent InstallationAdvanced and remove -S %GATEWAY_IP% --exclude %GATEWAY_IP% from the scan parameters.

QCCR1D183967 Product Functionality

Users and Group remediation jobs with multiple uses and user groups fail with the following error message: No Group found.

Workaround: Run a Users and Group remediation job with user groups followed by a remediation job. This remediates users that belong to the remediated user group.

QCCR1D175236 Product Functionality

Content import from HPE Live Network for SAVA fails in a air-gapped environments.

Workaround: Make sure you have network connectivity before you import content from HPELN.

QCCR1D191478 Data Migration CentOS 7 Build Plan fails with TypeError after migrating to SA 10.2 from SA 10.02 with platform installed.
QCCR1D232004 Product Functionality Deploying a VM fails on Windows Server 2016 x64 fails with the following error message: An error occured while running the following OS build Plan.Run 'Windows 2016 x64 Guest Customization' build plan...
QCCR1D159841 Data Migration

When upgrading a core, SA may show UNITS and REALM_UNITS tables conflicts.

Workaround: Resolve conflicts manually or use the Force Resolver script then continue with the upgrade. To minimize the number of model repository conflicts, run all operations on units through the master spin.

QCCR1D160891 Product Functionality

Cannot delete VMs from the SA Client after a Create VM, Clone VM or Deploy VM from VM Template job fails running the OSBP, and the VM ends up in Build Server Failed state.

Workaround: Delete the VM from the native vendor tool and reload it into SA.

QCCR1D224267 Deployability

When installing a satellite, using a realm_name different than the facility name, breaks SA functionality.

QCCR1D232753 Core Recertification

The SA web interface is not accessible from Windows browsers if your SA certificates are using an SHA-224 signature algorithm.

This is not an SA issue, but a limitation of browsers when running on Windows.

Workaround: Access the SA web interface via a Linux browser.

QCCR1D232753 Core Recertification

The SA Java RMI Client, opswclient.jar, might not work on Windows platforms if your SA certificates are using an SHA-224 signature algorithm.

This is caused by the following JDK change: Remove SHA224 from the default support list if SunMSCAPI enabled.

Workaround: Disable the SunMSCAPI security provider. This restores support for SHA-224 in the JDK. To disable the SunMSCAPI provider either:

  • edit <JRE_HOME>/lib/security/ and comment out the line that defines the SunMSCAPI provider OR
  • disable the SunMSCAPI provider programatically by using the method.
QCCR1D232581 Deployability When upgrading to a newer SA version, variables such as BOOTSERVER, AGW and AGWPORT are not replaced in the cfg files under /opt/opsware/boot/kickstart/opsware.

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What's new in Server Automation 10.51
SA version history
Fixed defects