Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting SA-OO integration

SA-OO connection error

If SA cannot connect to OO, administrators can:

  • Check that the settings in the Edit Flow Integration Settings window fields are correct. See Use cases: SA-OO flows for more information.)
  • Examine the following log file for error messages on the Command Engine server:


    The error messages do not appear in the SA Client.
  • Check that the OO URL, user name, and password are correct.
  • Make sure the specified OO user has correct permissions to run the flow.

To check a flow status, see the Flow Integration Panel. For more information on this panel, see Use cases: SA-OO flows.

If you are a user and you see this error, check with your administrator.

Flow run error

This section describes errors you might encounter when you run a flow as a user.

Incorrect inputs

When you try to run a flow, you might receive one of the following error:

  • SA will not pass the selected Device(s) to this flow.
  • SA-OO Integration Configuration Error: Flow Integration Settings are incorrect. Please verify that the flow Integration URL, username, and password are correct.

Typically, these errors are displayed when one or more of the following occurred:

  • You (as a user) selected the wrong flow to run.
  • The OO server is not responding. Ask your administrator for help.
  • The inputs an administrator entered in the Edit Flow Integration Settings window are incorrect. Ask your administrator to check the information in the Edit Flow Integrations Settings window. See Use cases: SA-OO flows for more information.
  • The flow author must modify the flow definition to use the naming conventions.