Integrate > SA-HPELN integration

Integrating with HPELN


The HPE Live Network connector (HPE LNc) is a dynamic content updating tool, integrated with several HPE software products including HPE Server Automation (HPE SA).

The HPE LNc provides you with security and compliance policies to help maximize your return on investment in HPE Software products, and to leverage the extensible automation platforms to deliver new automation capabilities on an ongoing basis.

The HPE LNc provides a direct link between your Business Service Automation products and HPELN. The LNc provides real-time downloads of content and content updates for HPE SA.

Using the LNc, subscription service content is delivered every day to HPE customers' enterprise data centers around the world.

LNc is customizable through plugins called profiles. Every product integrating with LNc needs a profile that customizes the LNc.

The Live Network Connector user guide, the LNc Release Notes and the HPE LNc installers can be found at if you are connected with HPE Passport credentials.

Live-Network-Connector usually comes installed along with the HPE SA Core in the following directory: /opt/opsware/hpln/...

The live-network-connector binaries are available under /opt/opsware/hpln/lnc/bin/.