Upgrade > SA 10.51 upgrade

SA 10.51 upgrade

This section describes the procedures for upgrading a Single Core (including distributed core component cores), Multimaster Mesh First and Secondary Cores, and Satellites to SA 10.51 from SA 10.1x or 10.2x (includes patch releases and the minor releases).


  • The Oracle database is not upgraded during an SA Core upgrade.
  • After the standard SA Core upgrade is initiated, there is no procedure available to roll back to the previous version. For complex SA installations (multiple SA Cores, distributed core components, etc.), HPE strongly recommends that you contact HPE Professional Services (PSO) for assistance and consider a PSO-supported rolling upgrade procedure which does provide some rollback capabilities.
  • During SA upgrade, the APX HTTP server is updated with the one provided by SA and any customizations made to the APX HTTP server will be lost. If you want to use a different version of APX HTTP, refer "Rebuilding the Apache HTTP server and PHP" in the Develop section.

Supported upgrade paths

You can upgrade to SA 10.5x from the following releases:

  • SA 10.1x
  • SA 10.2X

CORD patches are rolled back to nearest major release either automatically during the upgrade or manually, if necessary.

TLS hardening during upgrade

The upgrade process allows you to select the minimal version of the TLS protocol that will be used by the core components:

  • TLSv1 (compatible with previous versions - default)
  • TLSv1.1
  • TLSv1.2


In a multimaster mesh, you must set all your cores and satellites to the same TLS level.

In case you choose to use the default option, you can harden your cores at a later time. For more information on how to do this, see the SA 10.51 Administer section.

When upgrading a mesh that contains unhardened satellites, choosing to harden the cores during upgrade results in loss of some functionality on the satellites, until the satellites are also upgraded. Therefore in such a case, it is recommended to either:

  • Upgrade the satellites immediately after the cores are upgraded
  • Choose the default TLS level for the upgrade and harden once all the cores and satellites are upgraded to the new version