Install > Oracle setup for the Model Repository

Oracle setup for the Model Repository

This topic explains how to install, configure, and maintain an Oracle database to support the SA Model Repository.

You can easily install the SA-supplied database by running the SA Installer and selecting the option to install the database, either as a local database or on a remote database server by providing the IP address of the remote host.

The primary benefit of using the SA-supplied Oracle database is ease of installation for small or medium sized installations. The SA-supplied database is installed with a configuration that is optimized and tested for use with SA. The SA-supplied database has also been updated with all available patches/PSUs released by Oracle and has been tested to insure compatibility of the database with SA.

Some customers may already have an installed Oracle database or may have larger SA requirements that would benefit from a dedicated Oracle database server. If you have an existing Oracle database you prefer to use or want to install the Oracle database for use by SA yourself, then you can run the SA Installer and choose the option to use an existing Oracle database. Again, this database must be installed and up-and-running and you must have access to the database before you run the SA Installer.

Note If you plan to use an Oracle database you have installed yourself, you must ensure that the database meets the minimum requirements and configuration documented in this section.