Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch management process > Step 4 - Import applicable binaries

Step 4 - Import applicable Windows patch binaries

When you import the Windows patch database from the offline Microsoft Catalog or from a WSUS server in your network, SA only imports the patch metadata for the available patches.

This enables SA to save disk space, as your managed servers might not require all the patches imported from Microsoft. After importing the patch database from WSUS or from the file, run a compliance scan on your Windows managed servers. Import patch binaries only for the patches reported as required to remediate non-compliant servers.

Patch binaries contain the Microsoft update files themselves and are stored together with associated metadata in the Software Repository (Word). When you import binaries for patches, SA maps the executables for the selected patch matadata available under LibraryPatches.

Depending on your network infrastructure, you can import Microsoft patches into the SA Patch Library from Microsoft's Offline Patching Catalog or from a WSUS server.