Step 3 - Run compliance scans

After importing all the patches for all the desired Windows products, run a compliance scan and remediate any necessary servers according to the scan results.

The remaining steps assume that Vendor Recommended Patch Policies (VRPPs) are already attached to your Windows servers. If the VRPP is not attached to a server, attach it as you normally would before running the compliance scan. See Attach a patch policy to a server.

  1. Scan a Windows server with the VPRR attached for patch compliance.
  2. From Devices, select the Windows server you wish to scan.
  3. Select Actions > Scan > Patch Compliance.

    The scan results will indicate if you need to remediate the server to apply any product-specific patches.

  1. Remediate the recommended patches as you normally would. See Step 5 - Deploy patches/Remediate servers.

When you run this script, patches from all products that are selected in the Patch Settings product list will be imported. This script does not provide an option to omit patches for specific products other than Operating System from the import. This script does provide options for omitting patches from certain Windows operating systems; but it does not provide options for omitting non-OS products, such as Microsoft Office or Exchange.