Manage properties

To view the properties of a Solaris patch, patch cluster, or patch bundle:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Patches. The patches are organized by operating system appear in the content pane. Navigate to the desired OS version.
  2. In the content pane, select the Solaris patch, patch cluster or patch bundle to view.
  3. Right-click and select Open to display the Patch window.
  4. In the Views pane, select Properties to display the patch properties.

Patch Properties window

General properties

  • Name: The name of the patch, patch cluster or bundle, as defined by Oracle.

  • Description: The description of the patch, cluster, or bundle’s contents.
  • Version: The version number, as defined by Oracle.
  • Status: The status as defined, by Oracle.
  • Readme URL: A link to documentation about the patch. You must provide your My Oracle credentials to view this information.
  • Type: Specifies whether the item is a patch, a patch cluster, or a patch bundle.
  • OS: The operating systems associated with the patch, cluster, or bundle.
  • Availability: The availability of the patch to SA users. You can set this to Limited, Available or Deprecated.
  • Last Modified: The date and time when the patch was last modified and the SA user who last modified the patch.
  • Created: The date and time when the patch or patch cluster was created by an SA user.
  • File Name: The file name of the package.
  • File Size: The file size of the package.
  • Object ID: The unique SA identifier for the package.


The following figure shows the dependencies for a patch in the Patch Properties window.

Patch Dependencies

  • Prerequisites: The patches that must be installed before this patch can be installed.
  • Obsoletes: The older patches that are made obsolete by this patch.
  • Obsoleted by: The newer patches that make this patch obsolete.
  • Incompatible: The patches that cannot be installed with this patch.

Install parameters

The following figure shows a list of the actual settings for the patch and the settings that Oracle specifies for the patch. The selected radio buttons are the actual settings that will be used when the patch is installed. Settings that Oracle recommends are labeled “Oracle default”. The Oracle default settings are the values that were downloaded with the patch.

The settings specified by the selected radio buttons will be used when the patch is installed. However, when you remediate a server against a patch policy or install a patch, you can override these settings. For more information, see Rebooting options.

Install Parameters in the Patch Properties window

  • Install Flags: (Optional) Arguments that are used when the patch or patch cluster is installed on a managed server.
  • Reboot Required: Specifies whether the managed server will be rebooted when the patch or patch cluster is successfully installed. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.
  • Install Mode: Specifies whether the patch or patch cluster will be installed in single user mode or multi-user mode. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”. The Solaris system is rebooted to get into single user mode, then the patch is installed, and then the system is rebooted to get to multi-user mode.
  • Reboot Type: Specifies whether a standard reboot or a reconfiguration reboot will be performed after installing the patch or patch cluster. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.
  • Reboot Time: Specifies whether the server will be rebooted immediately after installing the patch or at some later time after the patch or patch cluster is installed. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.

    When installing a patch with the setting Reboot Time: Normal, the reboot will occur at the end of the job, unless another patch in the job requires an immediate reboot before the end of the job. However, the Job Preview and the Job Status windows will display the Install and Reboot message for the patch. This indicates that the reboot will occur sometime after the patch is installed, not immediately after the patch is installed.

    Install scripts

    • Pre-Install Script: A script that is required to run on a managed server before the patch or patch cluster is installed.
    • Post-Install Script: A script that is required to run on a managed server after the patch or patch cluster is installed.
    • If script returns an error: Specifies whether or not to stop the installation of the patch or patch cluster if the script fails.

    Uninstall parameters

    • Uninstall Flags: (Optional) Arguments that are used when the patch or patch cluster is uninstalled from a managed server.
    • Reboot Required: Specifies whether the managed server will be rebooted when the patch or patch cluster is successfully uninstalled. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.
    • Uninstall Mode: Specifies whether the patch or patch cluster will be uninstalled in single user mode or multi-user mode. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”. The Solaris system is rebooted to get into single user mode, then the patch is uninstalled, and then the system is rebooted to get to multi-user mode. (See Troubleshoot Solaris patch installation for additional tips about install modes.)
    • Reboot Type: Specifies whether a standard reboot or a reconfiguration reboot will be performed after uninstalling the patch or patch cluster. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.
    • Reboot Time: Specifies whether the server will be rebooted immediately or at some later time after the patch or patch cluster is uninstalled. Oracle’s recommendation is labeled “Oracle default”.

    Uninstall scripts

    • Pre-Uninstall Script: A script that is required to run on a managed server before the patch or patch cluster is uninstalled.
    • Post-Uninstall Script: A script that is required to run on a managed server after the patch or patch cluster is uninstalled.
    • If script returns an error: Specifies whether or not to stop the uninstallation of the patch or patch cluster if the script fails.

    Editing properties

    After you upload a new Solaris patch, patch cluster, or patch bundle, or select an existing one, you can add or edit many of its properties in the SA Client.

    You must have a set of permissions to edit the properties of a patch or patch cluster. To obtain these permissions, contact your SA administrator. See the SA Administer section for more information.

    To edit the properties of a Solaris patch, patch cluster, or patch bundle:

    1. In the Patch window, select a patch.
    2. Right-click to open the Patch Properties.
    3. Edit any of the properties that are editable in the SA Client.

    Viewing the vendor readme

    The SA Client gives you access to patch information from Oracle, using the URL provided with the downloaded patch, cluster, or bundle.

    To view the readme:

    1. In the navigation pane, select Library>By Type>Patches. The patches are organized by operating system. Navigate to an OS version.
    2. In the content pane, select a Solaris patch, patch cluster, or patch bundle to view.
    3. From the Actions menu, select Open. This displays the patch information window.
    4. In the Views pane, select Properties. This displays information about the patch, including a URL link to the patch information.
    5. Select the Readme URL and enter your My Oracle credentials to view the vendor information.