Use > Server patching > Patch management for Solaris > Patch management tasks > Import a Solaris patch to SA Client

Import a Solaris patch to SA Client

You can also import Solaris patches by using the SA Client.

Solaris patches are downloaded from Oracle and stored in SA.

To see if a patch has been imported, view the patch’s Availability property in the SA Client. The Availability property of an imported patch can be set to one of the values listed in the following table.

Patch availability property settings

Patch availability setting



The patch has been imported into SA, has been tested, and can be installed on managed servers.


The patch has been imported into SA but requires additional permissions (Manage Patch: Read & Write) to be installed. This is the default patch availability. For more information on permissions, see the SA Administer section.


The patch cannot be added to patch policies but can still be installed.

Not Imported

The patch is not stored in the SA library.

You must have permissions to import Solaris patches or patch clusters. To obtain these permissions, contact your SA administrator. See the SA Administer section for more information.

To import a Solaris patch or patch cluster from a file into SA:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Patches. The patches are organized by operating system.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Import Software to open the Import Software window.
  3. Click Browse to locate and select the patch or patch cluster to import.

    Before you click Open in the Open window, select the character encoding to be used by the patch or patch cluster from the Encoding drop-down list.

    You must specify the character encoding so that SA can extract the metadata contained in the patch or patch cluster and then correctly display the information in non-ASCII characters in the SA Client, such as in the Patch Properties window. Patch metadata includes comments, READMEs, scripts, descriptions, and content lists.

  4. Click Open.

  5. In the Import Software window, from the Type drop-down list, select either Solaris Patch or Solaris Patch Cluster.

    This action grays out the Folder edit field because Solaris patches and patch clusters are not stored in folders.

  6. From the Platform drop-down list, select the applicable Solaris operating system.

  7. Click Importt to import the Solaris patch or patch cluster into SA.

  8. Run the following command to update the Solaris patch information in SA:

    solpatch_import -a update_db