
You must ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you can provision HP-UX servers.

Ignite setup on the SA Core

To provision HP-UX servers, you must set up Ignite Configurations. This includes:

  • updating the configuration file
  • updating the Index file
  • copying the golden image archives on each SA core

For detailed information on Ignite-LUX software on a server running Linux, see

The following tasks are required to set up the 11.31 golden archive-based configuration on the SA Core:

  • Copy over the sample golden image to the following location:


  • Copy over the corresponding .cfg file to following location:


  • Add an entry in /var/opt/ignite/INDEX for the configuration as follows:

    cfg "HP-UX B.11.31 Opsware Archive" {

    description "This selection supplies the sample golden archive

    created by the IUX team"






If you use HP-UX OS Provisioning, the following steps are required on the SA Core with Ignite installed:

  1. Edit the /etc/exports file
  2. Change the following line:

    /var/opt/ignite/clients *(ro,no_root_squash,async)

  3. to

    /var/opt/ignite/clients *(rw,no_root_squash,async)

  4. Run "exportfs -a"


  • SA installs the HP-UX Provisioning APX (Automation Platform Extensions) and Custom Configuration Editor APX which perform parts of the provisioning process. These APXs appear in the SA Client APX Library.
  • You can access APXs either through the SA Client or through an SA supported browser. HPE recommends running the Custom Configuration Editor APX with Internet Explorer.
  • Adobe Flash Player Version 10.0 or above must be installed on all machines on which you plan to run HP-UX Provisioning APXs.

Customer configuration subfolders

SA Administrators for HP-UX Provisioning or any user who has privileges to the following folder must create a sample configuration for every customer for whom users want to create configurations:

Library > By Folder> Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning > HP-UX Provisioning

The sample configuration is the same as the configuration that is created when you use the Custom Configuration Editor APX. It is called the sample configuration because it is the first configuration created for each new customer. When the first configuration is created, a subfolder is created for that new customer. If the SA Administrator wants to assign restricted access to a user/group based on configurations belonging to a specific customer, they must grant permission to that customer subfolder.

The SA Administrator can see subfolders created with the customer name only after creating the sample configuration.

When you create the sample configuration, make sure that you select the new customer so that the subfolder with the customer name is created immediately within the configuration folder. The SA Administrator can assign read/write access to the user/group to access configurations. For example, say that PROV_USR needs access to HP-UX Provisioning and should have access only to configurations belonging to CustA and CustB customers:

  1. Open the Custom Configuration Editor APX using Internet Explorer.
  2. Log on as SA Administrator or as any user who has access to Library > By Folder > Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning > HP-UX Provisioning
  3. Create a sample configuration for CustA and CustB using the Custom Configuration Editor APX.
  4. Log on to the SA client as SA Administrator for HP-UX Provisioning. Create subfolders named CustA and CustB at the following location:

    Library > By Folder > Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning >
    HP-UX Provisioning/CustA

    Library > By Folder > Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning >
    HP-UX Provisioning/CustB


    This section discusses the minimum permissions required to use the HP-UX Provisioning feature. Your SA Administrators for HP-UX Provisioning can optionally provide additional permissions that enable more features.

    User/Group permissions

    SA Administrators for HP-UX Provisioning must grant the following permissions to the user/group:

    • Facilities – You must have read/write access to any facility where the Integrity servers are provisioned with the configurations created by the Custom Configuration Editor APX.
    • Customers – You must have read/write access to any Not Assigned customer to run the provisioning job successfully.
    • You must also have read/write access to any customer on whose behalf the HP-UX configurations are created.
    • Features – You must have Managed Server and Groups permission so that you can actually see the server in SA after you provision it.

    Folder Permissions

    SA Administrators for HP-UX Provisioning must also grant folder permissions to list APXs, software policies, and configurations.

    • APXs – You must have List Contents Of Folder and Execute Objects Within Folder permissions to the following folder to access HP-UX Provisioning and Custom Configuration Editor APXs:

      Library > By Folder > Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning > HP-UX

    • Software Policies – You must have List contents of Folder, Read Objects Within Folder, and Execute Objects Within Folder permissions to the folders where HP-UX software policies used to define the configurations are placed.
    • Configurations – You must have Read Objects Within Folder and Write Objects Within Folder permissions to the following folder because it contains the HP-UX configurations:

      Library > By Folder > Opsware > Tools > OS Provisioning >
      HP-UX Provisioning/<customer_name>