Assigning a customer

All the out of the box OS Build Plans contain a new step Assign Customer with the default parameter Customer. Running a Build Plan containing this step will associate a customer with the servers it is run on. The customer needs to be specified, by name or ID, as the value of a Custom Attribute named Customer on the Build Plan or server/servers.

The Run OS Build Plan interface adds support for this use case by setting the Customer Custom Attribute on the servers.

  1. Select Servers under All Steps. Right click one or more servers listed in the Servers view to obtain the Assign customer option.

    The customers available for selection are the ones the user has permissions on.

  2. After selecting the customer, the value of the Customer Custom Attribute is the customer's ID. This is added to the server/servers. The name of the selected customer is displayed in the Assign Customer column that is available for selection in the Servers view.

    At this point, running a Build Plan containing the Assign Customer step will change the Customer on the server to the one specified in the Assign Customer column.

If the Customer Custom Attribute is already present on the server, it will be changed to the new value when the assignment is done from the interface. The customer specified by ID in the Custom Attribute on the servers will be retrieved by the Run OS Build Plan interface in the Servers View and displayed in the Assign Customer column.