Use > Software management > Manage software packages > Install packages on servers with low disk space

Install packages on servers with low disk space

By default, packages to be installed are downloaded from the Software Repository. This presents a problem on managed servers with low disk space.

To avoid this problem, administrators can specify locations such as shared network drives, or a CD-ROM, where SA should look for packages to install without downloading the package onto the managed server.

Specifying paths for package installation

Using the SA Client, you can assign the OPSWpackage_paths custom attribute to servers or groups of servers.

To add the OPSWpackage_paths custom attribute to a managed server:

From the navigation pane, select Devices>Servers>All Managed Servers.

  1. From the content pane, select the server for which you are defining the new custom attribute and select Action > Open. The Server Explorer window appears.
  2. From the Views pane, select Custom Attributes.
  3. Click the Add icon .
  4. In the Name field, enter OPSWpackage_paths.
  5. Be sure to use this exact spelling and case for each server for which you are specifying paths for package installation.
  6. In the Value field click . The Input dialog appears. Enter each path for SA to look for the package to install. For example:




    You can enter any number of paths. You can also specify the Software Repository as a path by using opsware_repository as one of the values. This is useful in cases where you have entered a number of path names and want to disable the feature temporarily without having to re-enter the path names when you are ready to enable the feature again. To do this, enter opsware_repository at the top of the list of values.

  1. To save the changes, select File> Save from the menu.

During subsequent package installations, each of the specified paths will be searched, in the sequence listed, until the package is located.

If the package is not found in any of the specified locations, SA will then search in the Software Repository. If it is found in the Software Repository, SA will attempt to download the package. If there is not enough disk space, an error message will appear, and the packages will not be downloaded.

Verify that permissions on the files are set so that the SA Agent has read access.

Custom attributes

Custom attributes for package installation

Custom attribute



This custom attribute specifies a pre-existing temporary directory where the agent stages (downloads) packages on a managed server before installing them.

The Microsoft Offline Catalog file, and several other files used for Windows Patch Management, will also be downloaded at the location specified by this custom attribute [provided there is enough space].


This custom attribute specifies a list of locations where the agent will look for packages.

If the package is not found in any of the specified locations, SA will then search in the Software Repository. If it is found in the Software Repository, SA will attempt to download the package. If there is not enough disk space, an error message will appear, and the packages will not be downloaded.


This custom attribute specifies a configurable temporary directory where Application Installation Media packages are extracted before installation.

To have this functionality, you must set the CA value before installing the AIM. For example; open a server from the SA Client, go to Information Select Custom Attributes and ad value for aim_temp_path to a path that has enough space for the AIM extraction.