Use > Software management > Manage software packages > Deploy RPM packages > Install and updating RPM packages using a software policy

Install and update RPM packages using a software policy

With SA you can install and update RPM packages on a server using policies. After you import RPM packages to SA, you can add the RPM packages to the software policy. See Import software packages and Set installation and update options for a RPM for more information.

In a software policy, you can specify whether the RPM packages listed in the policy should be installed on the server or if the RPM package in the policy should be updated to the latest version. In a software policy, you can set the following options for an RPM Package:

  • Install Criteria
  • Auto Update Policy

The Install Criteria option determines whether the RPM package listed in the policy will be installed on the managed server. The Auto Update Policy option determine whether the RPM package listed in the policy will be updated to the newer release or version. See Automatically update RPMs in a software policy for more information.

In addition, the Upgrade option for the RPM package in the Package Properties page determines if the RPM package will be updated. See Upgrade options for an RPM for more information.

Install criteria

  • If the Install RPM always option is selected, the RPM packages specified in the policy will be installed on the managed server. This will happen when you remediate the server with that policy attached.
  • If the Install RPM only if an earlier version is installed option is selected, the RPM version on the managed server will be updated to the version specified in the software policy. This will happen when you remediate the server with that policy attached.

If this option is selected but the RPM package specified in the software policy is not already installed on the managed server, then the RPM will not be installed.

See Set installation and update options for a RPMfor more information on how to set these options.