Configure the hardware rule

Configuring a hardware rule allows you to audit the following information about a server’s hardware:

  • Interfaces: Compares duplex mismatch and all network interfaces on a server.
  • CPU: Compare CPU type and specification of target server.
  • Memory: Compare memory of the target server.
  • Storage: Compare storage capacity on the target server.
  • Interfaces: Compare all network interfaces attached to the device.

If you are auditing or taking a snapshot of the Hardware rule on a server that just recently had the SA Agent installed on it, it is possible that the hardware has not been fully registered with the Model Repository, and you will not be able to audit or snapshot accurate hardware information. (The SA Agent registers hardware usually within 24 hours after agent installation.) If you are not sure, contact your SA Administrator or the person who installed the SA Agent on the server. See the the SA 10.60 Use section for instructions on how to register a server's hardware manually.

To configure hardware rules:

  1. Create the new audit using one of the methods for creating an audit listed in Create an audit . (If you want to create this rule for a snapshot specification, see Create a snapshot specification .)
  2. Select an Audit Source: Server, Snapshot, Snapshot Specification, or No Source. (Some audit rules, such as Application Configuration and Windows User’s and Groups, must have a source.)
  3. In the Audit window, from the Views pane, select Rules > Hardware.
  4. In the content pane of the Audit window, expand the top level node in the Available for Audit section and select a hardware category to create a rule for.
  5. Click the right arrow button to move the hardware item into the Selected for Audit section. All items that you select will be used to audit or snapshot the target server.
  6. To finish configuring the audit, set the target servers, the schedule, and the notification for the audit.
  7. To save the audit, from the File menu, select Save. You can also save the Audit as a policy. For more information, see Saving an audit or a snapshot specification as an audit policy.
  8. To run the audit, from the Actions menu, select Run Audit.

For more information about running an audit, see Create an audit policy .