Create a snapshot specification

You can create a snapshot specification from the following locations in the SA Client:

You must have a set of permissions to create and modify snapshot specifications. To obtain these permissions, contact your SA administrator. See the SA 10.60 Administer section for more information on permissions.

From a server

When you create a new snapshot specification from a managed server, the snapshot specification will use the selected server as its source. You can choose several different server sources for the snapshot specification as you define the rules or choose no source at all and define your own custom rules. However, some rules require a source.

To take a snapshot of a managed server, the server must be reachable and you must have access to the server.

To create a snapshot specification from a server:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Devices > Servers > All Managed Servers.
  2. Select a server and then select Actions > Create Snapshot Specification.

From the SA library

If you want to create a new snapshot specification and set all your own rules, create the audit from the SA Client Library by performing the following steps:

To create the audit from the library:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Audit and Remediation.
  2. In the navigation pane, select snapshot specifications, and then select Windows or Unix.