Run a snapshot specification

When you run a snapshot specification, SA captures (from the target servers) all configuration parameters configured in the rules. After you run a snapshot specification, the results of the snapshot job become a snapshot and can be viewed inside the snapshot.

To run a snapshot specification:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Audit and Remediation.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Snapshot Specifications.
  3. Select Windows or UNIX.
  4. Select a snapshot specification, right-click, and then select Run. In the Run Snapshot Specification window, step one shows you the name of the snapshot, the total number of rules defined, and all targets.
  5. Click View Rules Details to view the rule definitions.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Scheduling window, choose whether you want the audit to run immediately or at a later date and time. To run the audit at a later time, select the second option and choose a date and time.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Notifications view, by default your user will have a notification email sent when the audit completes, whether or not the audit job is successful. To add an email notifier, click Add Notifier and enter an email address.
  10. (Optional) You can specify if you want the email to be sent on success of the audit job () or failure of the audit job ().
  11. (Optional) You can specify a Ticket Tracking ID in the Ticket ID field. The ticket ID field is only used when HPE Professional Services has integrated SA with your change control systems. Otherwise, leave this field empty.
  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Job Status view, click Start Job to run the audit. When the audit has run, click View Results to view the results of the audit.