Use > Configuration Management > Configuration Management user tasks > Configuration items > Baselines > View all configuration items (CIs) out of compliance with a baseline

View all configuration items (CIs) out of compliance with a baseline

Applies to User Roles:

Configuration Manager

Configuration Administrator

In certain instances, you may want to perform a one-time advanced search in order to view all CIs that are out of compliance with a baseline. If you expect to perform this search frequently, consider creating a view instead.

To view all CIs out of compliance with a baseline, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Search CIs.

  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
  3. Click the Advanced Filter tab, and then click Add New Filter Criteria. The Add Filter Criteria wizard opens.
  4. Select the following filtering criteria.

    Field in Configuration Item Comparison Value
    Baseline Noncompliant Equals True
    Baseline Equals <Baseline name>
    Baseline Version Equals <Baseline version number>

    For <Baseline name>, select the name of the baseline you want to query for compliance. Omit this search criteria if you want to search all baselines.

    For <Baseline version number>, type the version number of the baseline you want to query. Omit this criteria if you are not using baseline versions.

  5. Click Search. HPE Service Manager opens a list of the CI records that are out of compliance with the specified baseline.