Integration Instance Information fields

When you add or edit an integration instance, you must verify or complete the following fields on the Integration Instance Information page. The sample values below are given for an instance of the Service Manager to Operations Orchestration integration.

Field Sample Value Description
Name (required) SMOO Name of the integration instance. This field is automatically populated with the information from the integration template and can be modified to suit your needs.
Version (required) 1.0 Version of the integration. This field is automatically populated.
Interval Time (s) (required) 300 Enter an interval (in seconds) at which the integration instance is scheduled to run.
Note: This field is required only when Category is Schedule-based.
Max Retry Times (required) 3 Enter a maximum allowed number of retries when a scheduled run of the instance fails.
Note: This field is required only when Category is Schedule-based
SM Server localhost Enter a display name that identifies the Service Manager server machine you are using.
Endpoint Server OO2-SRV Enter a display name that identifies the endpoint server machine. For example, the display name of the Operations Orchestration server machine for the SM to OO integration.
Log Level INFO Level of diagnostic information that the Service Manager server logs to the log file directory. The possible log levels are as follows:
  • DEBUG: Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug the integration instance.
  • INFO (default): Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the integration instance at coarse-grained level.
  • WARNING: Designates potentially harmful situations.
  • ERROR: Designates error events that might still allow the integration instance to continue running.
  • OFF: Turns off logging of the integration instance.

The log hierarchy is DEBUG < INFO < WARNING < ERROR. Selecting a log of a higher level can render logs of lower levels invalid.

Log File Directory C:\ Service Manager\server\logs Enter an absolute path that exists on the Service Manager server, where log files will be stored.

Note: If you enter a directory that does not exist, the log files will get lost.

Category Schedule-based Indicates whether the integration instance is Schedule-based or UI-based.
Shared Scheduler  

The scheduler that the integration instance uses to schedule background processes. Multiple integration instances can use a shared scheduler.

When you create an integration template, you can define a default shared scheduler for the instances that are based on the template. All instances that are based on this template can use the same shared scheduler. However, if you create an instance that uses a different scheduler, SMIS creates a new scheduler accordingly.

Run at system startup selected Indicates whether the integration instance runs at system startup. If selected, the current integration instance automatically runs when the Service Manager server is started.
Description OO flows linked to SM Knowledge Management. Description of the integration instance. You can modify the pre-populated text to suit your needs.