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Knowledge Management overview

Knowledge Management supports Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) standards and guidelines by providing a natural language search engine and rich-text authoring tool that enables your users to search for, update, and author knowledge articles. Knowledge Management has a strong interface with the Interaction, Incident, and Problem Management modules so that your users can search for and use knowledge from existing Incident or Problem records while attempting to resolve new Incident and Problem records. Users can also use this integration to create new knowledge.

You can use Knowledge Management to meet your business needs in the following ways:

  • Knowledge Management integrates with Service Desk Interaction so that users responding to an Interaction record can search for similar interaction records with solutions. In addition to searching for knowledge, the out-of-box mapping allows users with applicable privileges to create solutions and author knowledge documents from resolved interaction records.
  • Knowledge Management integrates with Incident Management so that users updating incident records can search for similar issues with solutions in the knowledgebases. Users can also create knowledge to contribute a new knowledge document from a resolved Incident record, so that data in the mapped fields are used in the knowledge document.
  • Knowledge Management integrates with Problem Management so that users can perform the following tasks:
    • Search for similar Problem records, Incident records, Known Error records, or knowledge documents
    • Use the resolution from an existing resolved issue in a knowledgebase as a solution for the problem record
    • Use the information from a problem resolution to create a new knowledge document
  • Publish documents, retire documents, and delete documents from the knowledgebases
  • Track knowledge documents at various stages with statistics generated in the kmusagehistory table