Percentage of Successful Changes


The Percentage of Successful Changes report breaks down all closed changes in a given time period by status (failed, successful and successful with problems) and then by service type (Applications, E-mail/Webmail, Intranet/Internet, My Devices, Printing, Service Management, etc.). This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of successful changes, successful changes with problems and failed changes using a pie chart. You can double-click any piece of the pie to display a detailed breakdown of that status by service. This report organizes the information using groups and sub-groups to help users quickly view percentages and total counts by status and service.

Customer Value

This report provides a quick view of successful and failed changes for a given time period. Successful changes are changes that were implemented successfully on the first attempt with minimized exposure to risk and a limited severity on the impact and service interruption. This means that there is no fallback needed, there is no unplanned downtime and the change does not cause a failure of the service after going life. A high percentage of successful changes is an indicator for good Change Management while a low percentage is an indicator for inadequate Change Management that needs to be evaluated.