Develop > Programming Guide > System Language reference > List: RAD routines > RAD routine: axces.cm3.cts.write

RAD routine: axces.cm3.cts.write

A RAD routine that creates a schedule record that processes alerts for Change Management records.




The following parameters are valid for the axces.cm3.cts.write routine:

Name Data type Required Description
record record No Indicates what file variable passes to the application.
name character No Indicates the System ID of the system to send the message to and where to calculate the schedule time.
prompt character No Indicates the Client of the system to send the message to and where to calculate the schedule time.
time1 time No What is the target time for this event? Use the tod() function to indicate to the system that the message sends at the next acceptable time.
query character No Once you find the next acceptable time for this System ID and client combination, a new schedule record generates for a message of this type.
boolean1 Boolean No When set to true, the rescheduling portion of the code is bypassed and all messages occur as soon as possible.