Administer > Smart Analytics Administration > Tailoring > Enable Hot Topic Analytics for other modules

Enable Hot Topic Analytics for other modules

User Role: Administrator

In the out-of-box system, Hot Topic Analytics is available in the Service Desk, Incident Management, and Problem Management modules. If you want to use Hot Topic Analytics to help you identify hot topics in other modules such as Change Management, you can tailor your Service Manager system.

For example, if you want to enable Hot Topic Analytics to help you identify hot topics in Change Management, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new Hot Topic Analytics configuration record for the Change Management module:

    1. From the System Navigator, click System Administration> Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Analytics > Hot Topic Analytics.

    2. In the Add Configuration drop-down list, select cm3r, and then click Add.

    3. Enter information for all the required fields such as the title, contents, time stamp, and properties fields, and then click Add.

      Tip To fill in these fields, you can refer to the out-of-box Hot Topic Analytics configuration, and then use the same or similar settings.

    4. Click Start Index to start indexing.
  2. Add a menu item to the System Navigator to display Hot Topic Analytics for Changes:

    1. From the System Navigator, click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Menus.
    2. In the Menu Name field, type the parent menu where you want to add the new "Hot Topic Analytics for Changes" menu item, and then click Search to open the menu.

      Tip For example, you can type HOME to add the new "Hot Topic Analytics for Changes" menu item to the main menu.

    3. Add a new row at the end of the menu table by entering information for the following settings:

      Setting Value
      Description Hot Topic Analytics for Changes
      Application launch.idol.problem.hunter
      Parameter Name {"name","query"}
      Parameter Value {"cm3r","true"}
      Condition true
    4. Click Save.
  3. Tailor the "IDOLModuleConfiguration" script file:

    1. Click Tailoring > Script Library.
    2. In the Name field, type IDOLModuleConfiguration, and then click Search. The detailed script is displayed.
    3. Modify the script accordingly so that it can work for the change records in the Change Management module.

      Note In out-of-box systems, the "IDOLModuleConfiguration" script file enables Hot Topic Analytics only for incidents, problems, and interactions.

      Tip You can search for "rootcause" in the script file to see where you need to make changes for the script to support other modules.

  4. Create new display screens, formats, and processes accordingly.

    Tip You can refer to the "" display screen, the "" format, and the "" process as examples for your tailoring.

  5. Log off and log back on to Service Manager. Now you can access and use "Hot Topic Analytics for Changes" from the System Navigator.