Develop > Tailoring > Links > Link maintenance > Access the link record

Access the link record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

This examples uses the problem table.

Consider the case where there is a record against a user's pc. The incident record requires information regarding the serial number, location of the pc, and its vendor/supplier, as well as a description of the incident.

The required information for documenting an incident is often already in the database. To find and display the information with the incident document, you must tell the system:

  • What value to use as a search argument
  • Where to look for the matching information

At least two separate records store the required information for the incident document. Therefore, you must define at least two relationships in the link record: one to device, one to vendor/supplier, and one to any other applicable table.

The system stores this information about each configuration item in Configuration Management and references it according to several categories of information. The device record contains the logical name, contact, and location names. The vendor/supplier record contains the vendor/supplier ID, location, and vendor/supplier phone number.

There is an implied order within each link that defines these relationships. The device record contains the name of the vendor/supplier but not the phone number of the vendor/supplier, and the location record stores the contact name instead of the device record.

By defining the first relationship between the incident document and the device record, you can retrieve the data necessary to form the queries that retrieve data through the second and third relationships.

The link record defines the relationship between the incident document and information in the device, vendor/supplier, and other records. Although you can have different link records for each form in Incident Management, the problem and probsummary records always exist. These records provide a basis and example for other Incident Management link records.

Note: If you are using IR Expert, consider building links from one of the IR fields (like action) to itself. This allows a simple Find command to locate relevant incidents before a record opens.

  1. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Links.
  2. In the Name field, type problem, and then click Search.
  3. Select a record from the list.

The column labeled Source Field Name contains the names of fields in the current record (in this case problem). The columns under the Target File Name contain the file names and corresponding field names that define the relationship. When the link runs, the contents of the source name in the problem record search the target table for other information to populate the form.

The configuration items link to the incident document by the field labeled CI Name ( field. The first link to the device record retrieves the serial number and location names. Subsequent links use that information to form their own relationships.

A link to the vendor/supplier record from the field labeled Service Provider (on any linked Incident Management form) provides the vendor/supplier phone number for the incident document.

Configuration Management data stored on Configuration Items (CIs), vendor, and other records can link to several forms in Incident Management in the same way multiple relationships for the same field exist. The link record specifies these link relationships. Links between data and forms are established in the order in which they appear in the list. A query for a specific field can link to more than one configuration item record in the process of searching for the necessary data.