Troubleshoot > HP Service Manager Doctor > Command References > Extended Service Manager commands (esm)

Extended Service Manager commands (esm)

Extended Service Manager commands return Service Manager specific information that the current Service Manager Runtime commands may not return but is helpful for diagnosis.

The timeout for Extended Service Manager commands is 60 seconds.





Retrieves the Java runtime environment version of the Service Manager server (the JRE version in the Service Manager RUN directory)

esm -javaversion


Retrieves Service Manager application patch information (in the patchrelversioninfo table).

esm -apppatch


Retrieves Service Manager application hotfix information (in the patchrelversioninfo table).

esm -apphotfix


Retrieves Service Manager Best Practice information (in the bpreleaseinfo table).

esm -appbp


Retrieves Service Manager server ports (as returned by the 'netstat' command).

esm -port


Retrieves Service Manager process CPU and memory information (as returned by the following system-specific commands).

  • Windows: tasklist
  • Linux: top -p
  • Unix: ps -p)

esm -perf


Retrieves the Service Manager autopass version.


…\Hewlett-Packard \HPOvLIC\About.txt

9.20 and later:

The AutoPassJ*.jar version

esm -autopass


Retrieves the record count for Service Manager tables:

  • syslog
  • stathistory
  • eventin
  • systemperform
  • systemtotals
  • clocks
  • activity

Note The threshold for validation is 10 KB.

esm -apprecordcount


Retrieves Service Manager table merge information, such as whether M2 or M3 tables exist for the cm3r, cm3rpage, cm3t, and incidents tables.

esm -apptablemerge


Retrieves information about certain fields:

  • The “approval” and “members” fields in the cm3groups table.
  • The “related_cis” field in the cirelations table.

esm - appfieldmigration


Retrieves the length of the Service Manager application globallists value list.

Note The threshold for validation is 1 KB.

esm - appgloballistblobcount


Checks the Service Manager certificate, including these files:

  • Server.keystore
  • Trustedclients.keystore
  • cacerts

Note When running this command, if the server certificate passwords (keystorePass, truststorePass and ssl_trustedClientsPwd) are encrypted in the sm.ini file, SM Doctor prompts the user to enter the passwords in the command line (command line mode) or enter them in a dialog (GUI mode).

esm -keystore


Sends “ping” and “traceroute” messages to other Service Manager nodes in the current cluster.

Maximum ping times: 4

Maximum hops: 10

esm -pingclusternodes


Runs all Extended Service Manager commands at one time and returns the results in the output.

esm -all


Displays Help information.

Note If the -help option is used together with other options, only Help information is returned.

esm -help


Outputs the command result to html and txt files.

esm -all -dlog